Page 9 - Parkinson 2018 Annual review
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Cycle to Work Day                                                                Giving Back at Christmas

         This year a number of employees took part                                        This year members of staff across our
         in the Cycle to Work Day 2018. In line with                                      operational areas took part in our
         our Environmental and Health and Wellbeing                                       Christmas appeals which aimed at
         Policies, employees were encouraged to take                                      giving back to our local communities
         part for health benefits and to ensure a zero-                                   during the festive season.
         carbon commute.
                                                                                               ›  York Region - Donations to
                                                                                               ‘Xmas Presence’
                                                                                          This project in Poppleton helps the
                                                                                          older generation who find themselves
                                                                                          alone at Christmas time by providing
                                                                                          transport, Christmas dinner, entertainment and presents for 40 people on Christmas Day. Staff
                                                                                          kindly donated food and presents for this cause.
                                                                                               ›  Blackpool & Manchester Regions - Toy Appeal for the Children’s Ward at Royal
                                                                                               Lancaster Infirmary (Pictured)
                                                                                          Staff across these two regions helped make a difference to the children who were in hospital
                                               Creating Collaborative                     during the festive period by donating presents to the Children’s Ward at a local hospital.
                                               Social Value

                                                                                          Isla Be Safe
        Throughout 2018 we have collaborated with clients and our framework contractor partners in order   Our health and safety mascot, Isla Be
        to deliver the following co-ordinated events.                                     Safe has travelled 938 miles in 2018
             ›  ‘Have a Go’ Days                                                          teaching children about the dangers
                                                                                          of construction sites in a fun and
        In collaboration with our fellow contractor partners on the North West Construction Hub framework,   interactive way.
        we delivered three ‘Have a Go’ Days in Greater Manchester. The events aimed to promote a career
        in construction and provide local school pupils with the opportunity to have a go at traditional trades
        as well as STEM activities.
             ›  Supply Chain Social Value event
        This workshop allowed our supply chain to learn more about social value including what it is and how
        it can improve their business. Other organisations such as the Supply Chain Sustainability School and
        CITB supported the event.

                                     Charity of the Year                                                                   Apprenticeships
                                     Trinity Hospice and Brian House Children’s Hospice was                                In line with our target of ensuring 10% of our
                                     selected as the company’s chosen charity for 2018. To help                            workforce are apprentices and/ or trainees, we
                                     support this Blackpool-based charity we have supported staff                          recruited a further three Joinery apprentices  in
                                     to complete the charity’s annual 10k fun run and donated all                          September 2018.
                                     monies raised through bi-weekly dress down Fridays.

                                                                                                                                   Parkinson Annual Review 2018  |  09
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