Page 123 - E-BOOK PASTI LOLOS TPS SNBT 2024_Neat
P. 123

33.      (LEVEL II)                       The following text are for questions
                   It can be inferred from the passage   35 to 38.
                   that Lyme disease has become              The air we breathe contains the
                   prevalent in parts of the United      gases oxygen and nitrogen, as well as
                   States because of which of the        small quantities of other gases. Every
                   following?                            gas consists of molecules of a particular
                   A.  The inadvertent introduction of   substance moving rapidly about. The
                       Lyme disease bacteria into the    molecules are comparatively far apart,
                       United States.                    but they fill any vessel containing them
                   B.  The inability of modern           evenly. All gases can be changed to
                       sanitation methods to eradicate   liquids, and some even to solids, if they
                       Lyme disease bacteria.            are cooled down enough.
                   C.  A genetic mutation in Lyme
                       disease bacteria that makes           The oxygen used in factories to
                       them more virulent.               make a very hot flame to cut and weld
                   D.  The spread of Lyme disease        steel is sometimes stored and carried
                       bacteria from infected humans     about in the liquid state and as solid
                       to noninfected humans.            carbon dioxide, usually called dry ice. It
                   E.  An increase in the number of      is used for keeping ice cream cold.
                       humans who encounter deer             The kinds of gases used in cookers
                       ticks.                            and gas fires come from three sources.
                                                         The first kind is made of naphtha, which
               34.        (LEVEL III)                    is light oil; the second is made from
                   Which of the following can most       coal; and the third, natural gas, is almost
                   reasonably be concluded about the     entirely methane.
                   mosquito Aedes albopictus on the
                   basis of information given in the         Geologists believe that natural gas
                   passage?                              was produced by iron carboniferous,
                   A.  It is native to the United States.  or coal-bearing rocks. The gas rose into
                   B.  It can proliferate only in Asia.  the rock holes in the sandstone and was
                   C.  It sets the stage for the dengue   prevented from escaping upwards out
                       epidemic.                         of the sandstone by a “cap” rock,  usually
                   D.  It causes an epidemic of dengue   a form of rock salt, which formed a dome
                       hemorrhagic fever in the 1950s.   over the natural reservoir of gas.
                   E.  It replaced Aedes aegypti in          In Jakarta and other big cities in
                       Asia when ecological changes      Indonesia, it is common practice to
                       altered Aedes aegypti’s habitat.  use gas for cooking. Gas reaches the
                                                         houses through large underground
                                                         pipes called gas mains, and smaller
                                                         pipes called service pipes lead to the
                                                         gas meters in each house or building.

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