Page 127 - E-BOOK PASTI LOLOS TPS SNBT 2024_Neat
P. 127

45.        (LEVEL III)                        B.  Characteristics of popular
                   In the passage, there is a statement          shows on Netflix that people
                   like this:                                    enjoy to watch.
                   With a global pandemic keeping            C.  Ho w Netflix promot ed
                   everyone in their homes for most              streaming culture during the
                   of the year and natural disasters             pandemic.
                   making headlines, Netflix became          D.  Typical topics that Netflix tends
                   less of a source of entertainment             to popularize on its platform.
                   and more like a never-ending              E.  Why unconventional topics
                   escape room.                                  could be popular due to Netflix.

                                                         The following text are for questions
                   ____ people would not have relied     48 to 50.
                       on Netflix as a sanctuary.
                                                             As compared with quantitative and
                                                         qualitative research, mixed methods
                   A.  Did the global lockdown and
                       natural disasters not happen?     research is an emerging field of study
                   B.  If the global lockdown and        and may be less recognized than more
                       natural disasters have not        conventional research traditions. It is
                       happened                          defined as a procedure for collecting,
                   C.  Have the global lockdown and      analyzing, and mixing quantitative
                       natural disasters not happened    and qualitative data at some stage of
                   D.  If the global lockdown and        the research process within a single
                       natural disasters had not         study in order to understand a research
                       happened                          problem more completely. In mixed-
                   E.  If the global lockdown and        methods research, a researcher collects
                       natural disasters did not happen  both numeric information (for example,
                                                         through closed-response items on
               46.        (LEVEL III)                    questionnaires) and textual information
                   When people had to stay at home       (from face-to-face interviews, picture
                   and news coverage was depressing,     descriptions, and so on) to better
                   they ... turn to Netflix              answer a study’s research questions.
                   A.  shall           D.  had to        The term ‘mixing’ implies that the data
                   B.  could           E.  ought to      or the findings are connected at one
                   C.  would                             or several points within the study.
                                                         Although many models and designs
               47.          (LEVEL IV)                   have been discussed in the mixed
                   What topic does the paragraph         methods literature, the four mixed
                   following the passage most likely     methods designs most frequently used
                   discuss?                              are Explanatory Design, Exploratory
                   A.  Examples  of  Netflix’s  most     Design, Triangulation Design, and
                       popular shows contributions to    Embedded Design.
                       trending topics.

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