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P. 126
it yet. However, with further research The following text are for questions
and studies, conclusive evidence for 44 to 47.
the phenomenon may be discovered In 2018, Netflix was already a
in the future. fixture in our lives. It had 167 million
subscribers globally and regularly
41. (LEVEL III) produced hit Originals like Stranger
According to the passage, which of Things and Orange is The New Black.
the following statements is true? Moreover, it’s not just the shows. The
A. Déjà vu is common among streaming platform itself was already
people with epilepsy. firmly established in popular culture.
B. Different types of memories are
stored in the temporal lobes. However, 2020 was different. With
C. Déjà vu is a result of visible a global pandemic keeping everyone
events and stimulants. in their homes for most of the year and
D. Reflexive muscle spasms during natural disasters making headlines,
sleep are a symptom of epilepsy. Netflix became less of a source of
E. People without epilepsy may entertainment and more like a never-
experience similar nerve ending escape room. Netflix added
cell activities as people with 25.86 million subscribers in the first
epilepsy. half of 2020. This extraordinary growth
has since slowed down. Nevertheless,
42. (LEVEL III) they’re still closing out the year with
What is the topic of the passage? over 195 million subscribers. This
A. Memory retention unprecedented growth due to a global
B. The nerve system lockdown only deepened the platform’s
C. Epileptic symptoms influence on viewers. In fact, new data
D. Déjà vu mechanisms from the audience intelligence platform,
E. Déjà vu for people without Pulsar, revealed something interesting.
epilepsy If a show becomes popular on Netflix,
43. (LEVEL III) it will create a surge in conversations
The tone of the passage is best around the topics it covers.
described as …. 44. (LEVEL III)
A. cynical According to the passage, Netflix
B. anxious already became a/an ... part of
C. positive people culture in 2018.
D. apprehensive A. recent D. dominant
E. retrospective
B. staple E. traditional
C. original