Page 124 - E-BOOK PASTI LOLOS TPS SNBT 2024_Neat
P. 124
The meter records how much gas is B. Air only contains oxygen and
used. Natural gas and gas from oil have nitrogen.
no distinctive smell, so an artificial smell C. All gases become liquids when
is produced by adding small quantities they are cooled down enough.
of concentrated odorants, to enable D. Dry ice can’t be used to keep ice
people to detect any leak that may cream cold.
occur. E. It’s not dangerous to use gas
Pertamina sells bottled gas under without a distinctive smell.
the name of Elpiji”. The gas is put into 38. (LEVEL III)
steel drums or cylinders. Bottled gas Paragraph ... is about the kinds
is used by people who live in places of gas that people use for doing
without a piped supply, such as something.
yachtsmen and campers. Indonesia’s A. 1 D. 5
role in LNG production started in 1977 B. 4 E. 3
with the initiation of the LNG facility at C. 2
Bontang. About a year later, the plant
at Arun also started production and The following text is for questions 39
exportation. and 40.
In an attempt to improve the
35. (LEVEL I) overall performance of clerical workers,
People, especially those who live many companies have introduced
in big cities, commonly use ... for computerized performance monitoring
cooking. and control systems (CPMCS) that record
A. oil D. oxygen and report a worker’s computer-driven
B. naphtha E. coal activities. However, at least one study
C. gas has shown that such monitoring may
not have the desired effects. In the
36. (LEVEL I) study, researchers asked monitored
People who want to cook usually clerical workers and their supervisors
use bottled gas. how assessments of productivity
This information is found in affected supervisors’ ratings of workers’
paragraph ... performance.
A. 2 D. 6
B. 5 E. 4 In contrast to unmonitored
C. 3 workers doing the same job, who
without exception identified the
37. (LEVEL III) most important element in their jobs
Which of the following statements as customer service, the monitored
is true according to the text? workers and their supervisors all
A. Carboniferous doesn’t produce responded that productivity was the
natural gas. critical factor in assigning ratings. These