Page 125 - E-BOOK PASTI LOLOS TPS SNBT 2024_Neat
P. 125

findings suggested there should have      The following text are for questions
               been a strong correlation between a       41 to 43.
               monitored worker’s productivity and           You walk into a room, and
               the overall rating the worker received.   suddenly your brain goes fuzzy with
               However, measures of the relationship     an overwhelming wave of familiarity.
               between the overall rating and            Chances are you’ve experienced this
               individual elements of performance        situation, known as déjà vu, once in a
               clearly supported the conclusion that     while in your life. Episodes of déjà vu
               supervisors gave considerable weight      may be closely related to how memory
               to criteria such as attendance, accuracy,   is stored in the brain. Retention of
               and indications of customer satisfaction.  long-term memories in the temporal

                   It is possible that productivity may   lobes and in specific parts of the
               be a “hygiene factor,” that is, if it is too   temporal lobe is also important for the
               low, it will hurt the overall rating. But   recognition of certain events. While
               the evidence suggests that beyond the     déjà vu’ s connection to the temporal
               point at which productivity becomes       lobes and memory retention is relatively
               “good enough”, higher productivity is     unknown, clues about the condition
               unlikely to improve ratings.              were originally derived from people
                                                         who suffer from epilepsy, which is a
               39.          (LEVEL IV)                   condition in which nerve cell activities
                   The primary purpose of the passage    in the brain are disturbed. Findings
                   is to ....                            suggest that déjà vu events may be
                   A.  explain  the  need  for  the      caused by an electrical malfunction in
                       introduction of an innovative     the brain.
                       strategy                              Some researchers describe the basis
                   B.  discuss a study of the use of a   for déjà vu in people without epilepsy
                       particular method                 as a temporary glitch in the brain
                   C.  recommend a course of action      when certain neurons are discharged,
                   D.  resolve a difference of opinion   allowing the brain to mistake the
                   E.  suggest an alternative approach
                                                         present for the past. The same abnormal
               40.          (LEVEL IV)                   electrical impulses that contribute to
                   The attitude of the author of the     epilepsy can be present in healthy
                   passage seems to be ....              people; for example, a hypnogogic
                   A.  absolute                          jerk is an involuntary muscle spasm
                   B.  conclusive                        that occurs  as the person  sleeps.
                   C.  persuasive                        Nevertheless, because there is no clear,
                   D.  questioning                       identifiable stimulus that elicits a déjà
                   E.  concerned                         vu experience, it remains difficult to
                                                         study déjà vu. There may not be a simple
                                                         answer for the mechanisms behind

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