Page 14 - Ulpan-Or: Prepositions - Part 2-2016 220815-V237-NPW
P. 14
CD4 14
Track 20
Combining Preposition with a Pronoun
Previously we saw how to combine a preposition with a pronoun. The
structure is shown in the second column of the following table.
In Hebrew prepositions can be combined with pronouns to create a single
The endings of these combined words are the same for all prepositions
corresponding to the pronouns. This can be seen in the second column of
the following charts.
ֶשל ...ְל General Pronoun
Mine ֶשּ ִלי )To) me ִלי structure
(To) you ְלָך א ִני
Yours (m.) ֶשּ ְלָך י א ָתה
Yours (f.) ֶשּ ָלְך (To) you ָלְך ְך א ְת
His ֶשּלֹו (To) him ֹו לֹו הּוא
Hers ֶשּ ָלה )To) her ָלה ה ִהיא
Ours ֶשּ ָלנּו )To) us נּו ָלנּו ָאנּו
Yours (m.) (ָל ֶכם ֶשּ ָל ֶכםTo) you (m. pl.) ֶכם א ֶתם
Yours (f.) ֶשּ ָל ֶכן (ָל ֶכןTo) you (f. pl.) ֶכן * א ֶתן
Theirs (m.) )ָל ֶהם ֶשּ ָל ֶהםTo) them (m. pl.) ֶהם ֵהם
Theirs (f.) )ָל ֶהן ֶשּ ָל ֶהןTo) them (m. pl.) ֶהן * ֵהן
* Please note: The feminine forms of ֵהן/ א ֶתןand respectively ָל ֶהן/ ָל ֶכןare not in
use in modern Hebrew. Usually people use ֶשּ ָל ֶהם/ ֶשּ ָל ֶכםfor both masculine and
...ֶשל Do you want your coffee? ?א ָתה רֹו ֶצה ֶאת ה ָק ֶפה ֶשּ ְלָך
...ְל .ֲא ַנחנּו אֹו ֲהבים ֶאת ַהמדינה ׁ ֶשלנּו
We love our country
.ֵתן ִלי ּכֹוס ִמיץ תּפּו ִזים ְבב ָק ָשה
Give me a glass of orange juice, please. ?מת ַח ֵשק לָך ֶל ֱאכֹול ַעכׁשו
won glle eeel l leuf uoy?
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. העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן