Page 17 - Ulpan-Or: Prepositions - Part 2-2016 220815-V237-NPW
P. 17

CD4                                             17
Track 23
          Practicing the Usage of Prepositions

Cover the Hebrew side and say the sentences from English to Hebrew.

Shalom, do you know me?                        ?‫ ַאּתה ַמכיר אֹותי‬.‫ׁשלֹום‬

No, I don't know you. Who are you?             ?‫ מי ַאּתה‬.‫ ֲאני ל ֹא ַמכיר אֹותָך‬,‫ל ֹא‬

I am the new neighbor.                                               .‫ֲאני ַהש ֵכן החדׁש‬

Where are you? I don't see you.                .‫ֵאי ֹפה ַאּתה? ֲאני ל ֹא רֹו ֶאה אֹותָך‬

I am here. You really don't see me?            ?‫ ַאּתה ֶב ֱא ֶמת ל ֹא רֹו ֶאה אֹותי‬,‫ֲאני כאן‬

Ah, yes. Now I can see you. Welcome! I am .‫ ַעכׁשיו ֲאני יכֹול לראֹות אֹותָך‬.‫ ֵכן‬,‫אה‬

glad to talk to you.                           .‫ ֲאני ׂש ֵמ ַח ל ַד ֵבר אּתָך‬.‫ברּוְך ַהבא‬

I love you.                                             .‫ֲאני אֹו ֵהב אֹותָך‬
Do you really love me?
Don't you love her?                            ?‫ַאּתה ֶב ֱא ֶמת אֹו ֵהב אֹותי‬
                                                 ?‫ַאּתה ל ֹא אֹו ֵהב אֹותּה‬

Can you speak louder? [stronger]               ?‫ַאּתה יכֹול ל ַד ֵבר יֹו ֵתר חזק‬

I don't hear you.                              .‫ֲאני ל ֹא ׁשֹו ַמ ַעת אֹותָך‬

He is there. Can't you see him?                ?‫ ַאּתה ל ֹא רֹו ֶאה אֹותֹו‬,‫הּוא ׁשם‬

I have been looking for you for an hour        !‫ֲאני מ ַח ֵפׂש אֹותְך כבר ׁשעה‬
already! Where are you?                                         ?‫ֵאי ֹפה ַאּת‬

We are taking him to doctor                    .‫ֲא ַנחנּו לֹוקחים אֹותֹו לרֹו ֵפא‬

Don't you understand me?                       ?‫ַאּת ל ֹא מבינה אֹותי‬

No, I don't understand you.                    .‫ ֲאני ל ֹא מבינה אֹותָך‬,‫ל ֹא‬

I don't understand them, because they speak ‫ֲאני ל ֹא ֵמבין אֹותם כי ֵהם מ ַדברים‬
fast. .‫ַמ ֵהר‬

I don't know them.                             .‫ֲאני ל ֹא ַמכיר אֹותם‬

I meet with him every day.                     .‫ֲאני נפגׁש אּתֹו כל יֹום‬

I need to meet with him.                       .‫ֲאני צריְך להיפ ֵגׁש אּתו‬

I want to talk with you.                       .‫ֲאני רֹו ֶצה ל ַד ֵבר אּת ֶכם‬

She doesn't like talking to me.                .‫היא לא אֹו ֶה ֶבת ל ַד ֵבר אּתי‬

I like studying with her.                      .‫ֲאני אֹו ֵהב ללמֹוד אּתּה‬

They like working with him.                    .‫ֵהם אֹו ֲהבים ַל ֲעבֹוד אּתֹו‬

Where are Moshe and Chaim, I have been ‫ֵאי ֹפה ֹמׁ ֶשה ו ַחיים? ֲאני מ ַח ֵפׂש אֹותם‬

looking for them all morning long and I don't  .‫כל ַה ֹב ֶקר ול ֹא יֹו ֵד ַע ֵאי ֹפה ֵהם‬

know where they are.

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                        .‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
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