Page 15 - Ulpan-Or: Prepositions - Part 2-2016 220815-V237-NPW
P. 15

CD4                                           15
Track 21

And now we are going to look at three additional prepositions that are
combined with pronouns.

    from ...‫מ‬               with – ‫ִעם‬              the - ‫ֶאת‬              General    Pronoun
(when combined -        (when combined -        (when combined-                               ‫א ִני‬
                                                turns into...‫)אות‬               ‫י‬
 turns into...‫(ממ‬       turns into...‫(אית‬
                                                        me ‫אֹו ִתי‬
  from me ‫ִמ ֶמ ִני‬         with me ‫ִא ִתי‬

from you ‫ ִמ ְמָך‬with you ‫ִא ְתָך‬                     you ‫ָך אֹו ְתָך‬ ‫א ָתה‬

from you ‫ ִמ ֵמְך‬with you ‫ִא ָתְך‬                     you ‫אֹו ָתְך‬         ‫ְך‬                                    ‫א ְת‬

from him ‫ ִמ ֶמנּו‬with him ‫ִאתֹו‬                      him ‫אֹותֹו‬           ‫ֹו‬                                    ‫הּוא‬

from her ‫ ִמ ֶמ ָנּה‬with her ‫ִא ָתּה‬                  her ‫אֹו ָתּה‬         ‫ה‬                                     ‫ִהיא‬

from us ‫ֵמ ִא ָתנּו‬     with us ‫ִא ָתנּו‬              us ‫אֹו ָתנּו‬         ‫נּו‬ ‫ אנ ְחנּו‬,‫ָאנּו‬

 from you ‫ִמּ ֶכם‬       with you ‫ִא ְת ֶכם‬       you (m. pl.) ‫ֶא ְת ֶכם‬    ‫ ֶכם‬                                  ‫א ֶתם‬
                                                   you (f. pl.) ‫ֶא ְת ֶכן‬   ‫ ֶכן‬                                 ‫* א ֶתן‬
             (m. pl.)               (m. pl.)
                                                them (m.) ‫אֹו ָתם‬          ‫ ֶהם‬                                    ‫ֵהם‬
   from you ‫ִמּ ֶכן‬      with you ‫ִא ְת ֶכן‬       them (f.) ‫אֹו ָתן‬         ‫ ֶהן‬                                  ‫* ֵהן‬

              (f. pl.)               (f. pl.)

from them ‫ֵמ ֶהם‬        with them ‫ִא ָתם‬

                 (m.)                   (m.)

 from them ‫ֵמ ֶהן‬        with them ‫ִא ָתן‬

                  (f.)                    (f.)

* Please note: The feminine forms of ‫ ֵהן‬/ ‫ א ֶתן‬and respectively ‫ ֶא ְת ֶכן‬/ ‫אֹו ָתן‬
etc. are not in use in modern Hebrew. Usually people use the masculine form of
‫ ֶא ְת ֶכם‬/ ‫ אֹו ָתם‬etc. for both masculine and feminine.


the - ‫ֶאת‬  res vtivny uyY - ‫א ָתה מ ְז ִמין אֹו ָתּה‬              uyy ees I - ‫א ִני רֹו ֶאה אֹו ְתָך‬
                                                        ry nhtiu svnu uyY – ‫הּוא ְמד ֵבר ִא ָתּה‬
with - ‫ ִעם‬euye unsye svnu hy – ‫ֵהם לֹו ְמ ִדים ִא ִתי‬
                                                                          ?‫מה א ָתה רֹו ֶצה ִמ ֶמ ִני‬
from - ‫ ִמ‬What do you want from me?

Please note:

1) In modern Hebrew, when the preposition ‫( ִעם‬with) is

combined with pronouns in one word, it changes to ‫ ִאת‬.
For instance, in modern Hebrew we use ‫( ִא ְתָך‬with you)
instead of ‫ ִע ְמָך‬.
2) When preposition ‫( ִמ‬from) is combined with pronouns, the
first letter ‫ א‬of the pronoun in most cases turns to ‫מ‬.
For instance, instead of ‫( ֶמא ִני‬from me) - we say ‫ ִמ ֶמ ִני‬.

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                      .‫ העתקה והפצה אסורים‬,‫ כל שימוש‬.‫אור‬-‫כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן‬
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