Page 15 - Ulpan-Or: Prepositions - Part 2-2016 220815-V237-NPW
P. 15
CD4 15
Track 21
And now we are going to look at three additional prepositions that are
combined with pronouns.
from ...מ with – ִעם the - ֶאת General Pronoun
(when combined - (when combined - (when combined- א ִני
turns into...)אות י
turns into...(ממ turns into...(אית
me אֹו ִתי
from me ִמ ֶמ ִני with me ִא ִתי
from you ִמ ְמָךwith you ִא ְתָך you ָך אֹו ְתָך א ָתה
from you ִמ ֵמְךwith you ִא ָתְך you אֹו ָתְך ְך א ְת
from him ִמ ֶמנּוwith him ִאתֹו him אֹותֹו ֹו הּוא
from her ִמ ֶמ ָנּהwith her ִא ָתּה her אֹו ָתּה ה ִהיא
from us ֵמ ִא ָתנּו with us ִא ָתנּו us אֹו ָתנּו נּו אנ ְחנּו,ָאנּו
from you ִמּ ֶכם with you ִא ְת ֶכם you (m. pl.) ֶא ְת ֶכם ֶכם א ֶתם
you (f. pl.) ֶא ְת ֶכן ֶכן * א ֶתן
(m. pl.) (m. pl.)
them (m.) אֹו ָתם ֶהם ֵהם
from you ִמּ ֶכן with you ִא ְת ֶכן them (f.) אֹו ָתן ֶהן * ֵהן
(f. pl.) (f. pl.)
from them ֵמ ֶהם with them ִא ָתם
(m.) (m.)
from them ֵמ ֶהן with them ִא ָתן
(f.) (f.)
* Please note: The feminine forms of ֵהן/ א ֶתןand respectively ֶא ְת ֶכן/ אֹו ָתן
etc. are not in use in modern Hebrew. Usually people use the masculine form of
ֶא ְת ֶכם/ אֹו ָתםetc. for both masculine and feminine.
the - ֶאת res vtivny uyY - א ָתה מ ְז ִמין אֹו ָתּה uyy ees I - א ִני רֹו ֶאה אֹו ְתָך
ry nhtiu svnu uyY – הּוא ְמד ֵבר ִא ָתּה
with - ִעםeuye unsye svnu hy – ֵהם לֹו ְמ ִדים ִא ִתי
?מה א ָתה רֹו ֶצה ִמ ֶמ ִני
from - ִמWhat do you want from me?
Please note:
1) In modern Hebrew, when the preposition ( ִעםwith) is
combined with pronouns in one word, it changes to ִאת.
For instance, in modern Hebrew we use ( ִא ְתָךwith you)
instead of ִע ְמָך.
2) When preposition ( ִמfrom) is combined with pronouns, the
first letter אof the pronoun in most cases turns to מ.
For instance, instead of ( ֶמא ִניfrom me) - we say ִמ ֶמ ִני.
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. העתקה והפצה אסורים, כל שימוש.אור-כל הזכויות שמורות לאולפן