Page 12 - 2023 - The Altiora Vol 75
P. 12
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You might not know that there are children at
Springwood who care for the chickens and have
learned just this year how to go all the way across the
monkey bars.
There are amazing ‘big Stage 2 kids’ who look out
for all the little children and help them work through
problems with their games. Some have overcome
learning hurdles in Maths and English this year.
There are children who help others learn a brand
new language and show patience and kindness to
everyone they meet. You might not know them all,
but they are AMAZING.
You might not know that there are children from
Wentworth Falls who create the most amazing
trench warfare systems in the sandpit. They know
just how deep to go to find the damp sand and then
they work together to make amazing things.
The past year in the life of our Junior campuses
has been one of many highlights, breakthroughs, There are children who have worked so hard on their
discoveries, explorations, curiosities and reading over this year, or two years or three years
achivements. and now they can read whatever they like.
The following pages reflect the indominable spirit Did you know there are children at Wentworth Falls
of our children, encapsulating the highights of this who don’t love performing, but they are so brave and
wonderful year, beginning with the Presentation resilient and work so hard, that they get up in Drama
Day speech made by our Head of Junior School, Mrs or on the stage and they do this anyway.
Rachael Newton: You might not know the kids who design bases in the
Thank you to all those who have come along today. adventure playground, but they are engineers! They
It’s been a busy end of year with many wonderful design and problem solve, and manage to do this
things to celebrate. There has been great joy in the alongside other little people.
events we’ve hosted – time to celebrate students for Others care so deeply about the environment that
all they’ve achieved and time to tell the most amazing they observe this space and work to make it a better
story ever told – about how God sent His son Jesus place for frogs and magpies, and Christmas beetles
to earth to be with us. and birds. There are amazing big kids here who are
I recently read a quote that said: There’s no such really getting so very good at all kinds of things.
thing as other people’s children. Certainly, in many Do you know that in their learning, they have
cultures around the world, collective responsibility is discovered so many things and had to take
taken for raising children. We’ve all heard “It takes a responsibility of all kinds of projects? They can
village”… manage deadlines and meet set criteria and they are
The idea that ‘There’s no such thing as other people’s so creative! And did you know they care about others
children’ is thought provoking, even though it’s not too? You might not know them all, but I do, and they
literally true. Still there’s power in remembering that are AMAZING.
what happens to every child, reflects on us all. It’s Every child here is incredible and those of us who
vitally important for us to care about each and every know them, teach them, fix their scraped knees, put
child in this community, and beyond it. It’s easy for their small teeth in tiny bags, make sure that the tech
me to stand here and to tell you to care about every works for them, mow the lawns for them, pray for
single child. I’m one of the very luckiest ones in this them and love them – we know just how special they
School who gets to spend quality time with every are.
child at Springwood and every child at Wentworth
Falls. My goodness – I can tell you that they are So parents and families – youryour children, our children,
AMAZING. the Grammar children, are all incredible. I am proud
of the learning and growth that every single one of every single one of
Did you know there are children at Springwood who them
them has undertaken this year.
build the very best cubbies with Loose Parts Play at
lunchtime? They make pizza shops, and some provide
Mrs Rachael Newton
security assistance at the pizza shop while others Mrs Rachael Newton
Head of Junior School
create wonderful pizzas, and others take care of the Head of Junior School
entworth Falls and Springwood
bartering system. Wentworth Falls and Springwood