Page 14 - 2023 - The Altiora Vol 75
P. 14
This year’s Junior School major musical was another extravaganza of
This y ear’s Junior School major musical was another e xt r a vaganza of
ement, and
y of our
was the perfect v
for man
colour and mo
colour and movement, and Shrek was the perfect vehicle for many of our
primary students to de v elop their skills in char acter acti ng and ensemble
primary students to develop their skills in character acting and ensemble
performance. Lead roles were performed by Elliot Clark (Shrek), Rose
performance. L
ead roles were performed b
y Elliot Clark
, Rose
Cottle (Fiona) , Otto Misk o vic- Wheatle y (Donk e y) , Eva T ille y (Farquaad)
Cottle (Fiona), Otto Miskovic-Wheatley (Donkey), Eva Tilley (Farquaad)
Ruby Carter (Dragon). Matilda Hewatt, Robert Sommerville and Lilliana
Rub y Carter (Dr agon) . Matilda Hewatt, Robert Sommerville a nd Lillia na
Southers were the Storeytellers. The production was produced and
oduced and
ytellers. The production was pr
Southers were the Store
directed b
y Mr John F
A Class teacher) w
h music
orbes (Stage 3 P
directed by Mr John Forbes (Stage 3 PA Class teacher) with music
provided by Specialist Music teacher Mrs Julie Cooney. All facets of the
y Specialist Music teacher Mrs Julie Coone
. All f
acets of the
vided b
production, such as set design and construction, costum
production, such as set design and construction, costumes, backstage,
es, backstage,
lighting and sound - under Mr Forbes stewardship - involved the primary
lighting and sound - under Mr F orbes stewardship - in v olv ed the prim ary
students, providing them with an excellent opportunity for developing
students, pro
or de
viding them with an e
cellent opportunity f
their production skills.
their production skills.
Elliot Clark
Elliot Clark
Otto Miskovic-Wheatley Rose Cottle Eva Tilley y Ruby Carter
Eva Tille
y Carter
Otto Misk
Rose Cottle
t, and what a triumph
ear was
The combined Junior Schools’ major production this y
The combined Junior Schools’ major production this year was Joseph and The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat, and what a triumph
echnicolour Dreamcoa
Joseph and The Amazing T
of colour, movement and high energy entertainment it was! It was directed by Mr John Forbes (Performing Arts teacher), with
of colour, movement and high energy entertainment it was! It was directed by Mr John Forbes (Performing Arts teacher), with
musical accompaniment by Mrs Julie Cooney, and rehearsals at both Junior Campuses were assisted by Mrs Allison Lewis (Music
musical accompaniment b y Mrs Julie Coone y , and rehearsals at both Junior Campuses were assisted b y Mrs Allison L ewis (Music
Specialist) and all classroom teachers, and Mrs Newton
Specialist) and all classroom teachers, and Mrs Newton’s Assistants, Mrs Arrell and Mrs Boros.
’s Assistants, Mrs Arrell and Mrs Boros.
The students made their own costumes and sets, and there were t wo separ ate casts of lead performers. In feature roles were
The students made their own costumes and sets, and there were two separate casts of lead performers. In feature roles were
Emerson Drew/Angus Magill (Joseph), Amelia Burgess/Zoe Lynch (Pop Diva), Charlotte Scott/Gabriel Kapoor (Rock Star), Ruby
), Rub
oe L
), Amelia Burgess/Z
), Charlotte Scott/
ynch (
Angus Magill (
Gabriel Kapoor (
Emerson Drew/
op Diva
Rock Star
Joshua McL
ean (
Jazz Queen
aciella Olmos/
) and Gr
Carter/Mikhaela Sommerville (Jazz Queen) and Graciella Olmos/Joshua McLean (Pharaoh).
Carter/Mikhaela Sommerville (