Page 10 - 2023 - The Altiora Vol 75
P. 10

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   10 |           STUDENT ACHIVEMENT
                  STUDENT A
                              CH GARNERS NA
                  ’S RESEAR
                                                    TIONAL A
         Y ear 3 student Emma Glenfield       on ABC Radio Sy dne y , then ABC
         Year 3 student Emma Glenfield
                                              on ABC Radio Sydney, then ABC
                                              Radio National, attracting the
         in v estigated the question  “ Wh y do   Radio National, attr acting the
         investigated the question “Why do
         magpies swoop and do they mean
         magpies swoop and do the y mean      attention of an expert in the
                                              attention of an e
                                                             xpert in the
         to hurt us?”
         to hurt us?” - with some surprising   field, Darryl Jones, Professor
                     - with some surprising
                                              field, Darryl Jones, Professor
         results.                             Emeritus at Griffith Univ ersity , who
                                              Emeritus at Griffith University, who
                                              commented that this was the first
                                              commented that this was the first
         Her research led to a first-place    time an y one has e v er e xamined the
         Her research led to a first-place
                                              time anyone has ever examined the
         win at the NSW In v estigating with
         win at the NSW Investigating with
                                              link between magpie swooping and
         Mathematics Competition, and an      link between magpie swooping and
         Mathematics Competition, and an
                                                    ance.  F
                                                                 , the number
                                              appearance.  Further, the number
         opportunity to present her findings
         opportunity to present her findings
                                                                    ’s surv
                                              of respondents to Emma
         at the annual MENSA conference.      of respondents to Emma’s survey
         at the annual MENSA conference.
                                              also dwarfs anything researchers
                                              also dwarfs an
                                                           ything researchers
         In a stunning result, Emma’s project
         In a stunning result, Emma
                                  ’s project
                                              have ever been able to gather.
         won the National competition.        ha v e e v er been able to gather .
         won the National competition.
                                              The research found that males are
                                              The research found that males are
         Emma was prompted to in  v estigate
         Emma was prompted to investigate
                                              slightly more likely to be swooped
         magpies after noticing a pattern
         magpies after noticing a pattern     slightly more lik ely to be swooped
                                              than females. People’s physical
         of swooping behaviour from “Mr       than females. P eople ’s ph ysical
         of swooping beha
                          viour from “Mr
                                                  acteristics increase their risk
         Swoopsalot” - a resident magpie
         Swoopsalot” - a resident magpie      characteristics increase their risk
                                              of being swooped, with those
         at BMGS.  “Last year I observed
         at BMGS.   “Last y ear I observ ed   of being swooped, with those
                                              over 6 feet tall twice as likely to
         where he swooped, and who he         o v er 6 feet tall twice as lik ely to
         where he swooped, and who he
                                              be swooped in the last 12 months
                                                                                  people wanted to talk about
         swooped and formed a hypothesis      be swooped in the last 12 months    people wanted to talk about
         swooped and formed a h
                                                                                  magpies and get involved. I
                                                                                  magpies and get in
                                              than those less than 5.3 feet tall
                                                                                                       ed. I
         that he targeted tall, solid males
         that he targeted tall, solid males   than those less than 5.3 feet tall
                                                                                  hope my project helps people to
                                              (21% compared to 10%). A high
         who were bald or had thin hair on
         who were bald or had thin hair on    (21% compared to 10%). A high       hope m y project helps people to
                                                                                  understand magpies better, and
                                                            x also increases risk.
                                                                                                           , and
                                                                                  understand magpies better
                                              body mass inde
         top. I wondered if all magpies are
         top. I wondered if all magpies are   body mass index also increases risk.
                                                                                  that people will understand that
                                                                  ’s hairstyle
                                                         , a person
         lik e this. ”                        Surprisingly, a person’s hairstyle   that people will understand that
         like this.”
                                              also has an influence, with people   magpie dads are just looking after
                                              also has an influence, with people
                                                                                  magpie dads are just looking after
                      y in
               ’s surv
         Emma’s survey investigated the       who were bald or “thin on top”      their babies. If you take time to
                          estigated the
                                                                                                 ou tak
                                              who were bald or “thin on top
                                                                                  their babies. If y
                                                                                                       e time to
         link between people ’s appear ance   being twice as likely to be swooped   mak e friends with magpies before
         link between people’s appearance
                                                                                  make friends with magpies before
                                              being twice as lik
                                                             ely to be swooped
         and their e
                   xperience of being
         and their experience of being        than people with long hair .        swooping season, the y will learn
                                              than people with long hair.
                                                                                  swooping season, they will learn
         swooped. After hundreds of Blue                                          that y ou are not dangerous but
         swooped. After hundreds of Blue
                                                                                  that you are not dangerous but
                                                   et e
                                              Not y
                                                      xperienced in
         Mountains residents participated     Not yet experienced in              are their friend. Magpies are great
         Mountains residents participated
                                                                                  are their friend. Magpies are great
                                              spreadsheets, Emma used Lego
         in the research, her survey went
         in the research, her surv e y went   spreadsheets, Emma used L ego       creatures!”
                                                aphs’ to reflect her findings.
         viral – eventually attracting 20,573
         vir al – e v entually attr acting 20,573   ‘graphs’ to reflect her findings.
                                              Emma also used mathematics to
         Australians to take part.
         Austr alians to tak e part.          Emma also used mathematics to
                                              in v estigate a r ange of other magpie
                                              investigate a range of other magpie
         The large sample size resulted in
         The large sample size resulted in    features such as egg size, territory
                                              features such as egg size, territory
         a 99% confidence le v el and a 1%    size, magpie weight, life cycle and
         a 99% confidence level and a 1%
                                              size, magpie weight, life cy
                                                                      cle and
         margin of error in her findings. It   swooping behaviour.
         margin of error in her findings. It
                                              swooping beha
         was also the first time in Australia
         was also the first time in Austr alia
                                                    ’s conclusion was that
         that research focused on the link    Emma’s conclusion was that
         that research focused on the link
                                              magpies don
                                                         ’t mean to hurt us, the
         between people
                                ance and
                        ’s appear
         between people’s appearance and      magpies don’t mean to hurt us, they
                                              are just protecting their babies.
               xperience of being swooped.
         their e
         their experience of being swooped.   are just protecting their babies.
                                              “It was really fun doing this project.
               ’s research drew national
         Emma’s research drew national        “It was really fun doing this project.
                                              I’ve been amazed that so many
         interest, with her story broadcast   I’v e been amazed that so man y
         interest, with her story broadcast
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