Page 13 - Something's Brewing - February 2021
P. 13

Page 13                                               

                                                                                    FEBRUARY. 2021 | VOL. 14

          EVOCA, 80 Years of Innovating & Counting

       History of Gaggia
       If we go back to the very beginning of the Gaggia
       Milano story, in 1938 Achille Gaggia filed a patent
       that revolutionised coffee making and first gave
       the world coffee with its crema that nowadays
       aficionados know and love the world over. Fast

       forward to the 2020s and traditions of the past
       die hard – the Gaggia Milano professional coffee
       machines of today are born out of a continued
       passion for coffee and the desire to innovate.
                                                                  Take Carat’s Café Bar, for example – an

       The Range                                                  extremely popular beachfront café in the
       Today Gaggia Milano has been completely                    West Sussex town of Southwick, with
       revitalised and adapted for the out of home                regular customers including tourists, dog
       coffee market that has been burgeoning in                  walkers and cyclists. As a venue
       recent years. Gaggia Milano have continued their           respected for its taste and style, it was
       long tradition of working closely with cutting edge        vital that any new machine added to
       designers to ensure that the machines are some             Carat’s aesthetic, on top of delivering
       of the most stylish on the market; but paying              drinks of a quality that would outshine

       close attention to the needs of baristas ensures           those of the competition.
       that Gaggia machines represent both style and
       substance.                                                 Coffee Shop Style Anywhere
                                                                  Nowadays, coffee consumers demand a
       Complete Control for the Professional                      coffee-shop style drink, regardless of the

       Barista                                                    setting. However, not every out of home
       The professional range of machines has been                location has a barista on hand. These –
       conceived to address the needs and challenges              seemingly conflicting – demands can now
       of many different venues. Take for instance, La            be addressed, thanks to La Radiosa,
       Reale, a truly spectacular machine that would              Gaggia’s first super automatic coffee
       look at home in any chic independent coffee                machine. Unlike other automatic coffee
       shop. Cutting edge technology means that                   machines, the quality of the milk

       temperature stability, taste profiles and coffee           preparation on La Radiosa puts the
       extraction are all second to none. The optional            beverage on a par with many hand
       Dynamic Flow Control puts every variable in the            crafted drinks.
       hands of the barista, so that they can adjust the
       profile to suit their palate, putting their own
       personal stamp on the drink they serve.
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