Page 6 - Something's Brewing - February 2021
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FEBRUARY. 2021 | VOL. 14
Focus on Hot Beverage Equipment Solutions
There is little doubt that at the heart of our Operators have to face the challenges of
hospitality sector, great people and their being able to offer more, to the fewer
passions are the driving force of quality, customer, with less staff and less space. That’s
success and growth and within these no easy ticket.
individuals are many accumulated skill sets and
talents. Behind this army of experts, however, These changed however are not overnight,
there lies a need for innovative equipment and our equipment and technology sector has
solutions that support operations and evolved in record time to deliver innovative
workflow to enable profitable businesses. solutions to meet these new challenges. It’s
never been a more exciting or buoyant
The BSA has spent much of lockdown exploring moment in the foodservice equipment arena
the future of our sector and the challenges and even if we’ve not had the exhibitions, shows
opportunities that will present themselves in and glitzy launches to convince us so. Many of
2021 and beyond. Undoubtedly we will see these developments are UK based!
seismic shifts in the labour market. Skilled
individuals have been furloughed or made Our Plan...
redundant. Skills have been dormant in many Here, the BSA recognises the dual need of
cases. Low-cost labour from Europeans has both manufacturers and caterers to engage
arguably been replaced by over skilled pivoting effectively supporting one another in the new
Brits struggling to survive. Whilst most UK dawn of post lockdown trading. We have
hospitality teams are champing at the bit to get decided to dedicate a full twelve months to
stuck into work again, there will be those, post covering a diverse equipment solution feature.
furlough who may simply decide not to return. Each month in Something's Brewing we will
So we have labour changes of significance. focus on a specific category and drill down to
ask the right questions to leading member
We also face a whole new world of operating. manufacturers. We’ll look closely at cost
Spontaneity is now joined by pre-ordering. efficiency, operational ease, remote training,
Take away delivery is now joined by click and sustainability, energy efficiency, service
collect. Hole in the wall counters have sprung support, innovation, cloud connectivity,
up that were never there before. Staff, flexibility and added value propositions.
protected with PPE and new screens have to
adjust to newer workflows. Customers are If there’s a better machine out there,
reduced in numbers over time by social we’ll share it with you!
distancing. UK plc has less money, and possibly
a diminished cautious desire to spring back
into hospitality.