Page 19 - SBrewing(June2021)
P. 19

Page 19                                               

                                                                                          JUNE. 2021 | VOL. 18

        Second, they need equipment to be better             "Feedback from distributors and roasters has
        maintained. This is proving to be harder             been that coffee businesses are cost-
        than it sounds. Shops are busy places,               conscious at present, and this has led to more
        baristas don’t know what they need to do,            careful consideration with the buying
        some brands have had little interest in              machines that are functional (not aspirational).
        teaching them.                                       It’s a welcome development. Long may it
                                                             continues" says Tom.

        "I think progress has been made in the last
        years, but there is even more to be done
        and we have made less progress on this.
        We need to move the cultural frame and
        establish that good coffee businesses
        maintain their equipment well and bad

        businesses don’t. There’s now such good
        access to parts and services that there is
        next-to-no excuse for poorly maintained
        equipment" Tom explained.                            Tom Ridley continued:

                                                             "Feedback in recent weeks from distributors
        Thirdly, businesses need to be educated              and roasters has been that coffee
        so they choose the right equipment for               businesses are cost-conscious at present,

        them! Quite a lot of equipment for sale on           and this has led to more careful
        United Baristas Market is equipment                  consideration with the buying machines that
        businesses have been over-sold, then                 are functional (not aspirational). It’s a
        realise they don’t need, and they now want           welcome development. Long may it
        to offload. Most of this is about industry           continue."

        maturity and education.
                                                             In conclusion..
        United Barista wrote this article about              United Baristas see the future as:
        equipment, you can read it here:                     • buying the right equipment         • maintaining it well to get the most out of it
        019/08/the-united-baristas-guide-to-                 • sell it to someone else when it no longer
        buying-an-espresso-machine/ some time                meets your needs so that is stays in use for

        ago.                                                 its full working life

                                                             If the industry could do this better, we’d
                                                             dramatically reduce our impacts. We’ve made

                                                             progress, but there’s much more to do!

                                                              To find out more visit:

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