Page 197 - MY STORY
P. 197

what happened in between initiation and completion —

               the guts of our proposed program. The “in between” part
               was  essentially  to  be  a  diagramed  flow of  activity  and
               measurable events which required the proposal writers to

               engage brain muscle to think the proposed program with
               associated risks and solutions through to the end game.
               No written word would be written until the program plan

               was prepared and approved.
               One of my teams was bidding a proposal with a delivery
               date less than a week away.  I finally asked for a draft of

               the  proposal  to  see  where  the  heck  they  were  in  the

               Two things were obvious.
               1.They  had written  the  proposal, which  was  pretty
               discombobulated.  There was no question that each

               section  had  been  written  by  a  different  person
               covering their little section of technology. It would be

               a loser!
               2.There was no program plan.

               End Result: I instructed the team to prepare the program
               plan  in  great  detail,  and  then  completely  rewrite  the
               proposal over the weekend so it read like one document

               with  a  story  that  defined  the  details  of  our  proposed
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