Page 200 - MY STORY
P. 200


            1985 – 1997
            I’m not really sure how to begin this story.  If I thought
            the work we did on High Energy Laser Vulnerability and

            Hardening was classified — well let’s just say that was
            child’s play when compared to the world of stealth. I was
            relegated to the basement with no  windows, work in a

            SCIF  (Sensitive  Compartmented  Information  Facility),
            with an impossible technical language well beyond my
            knowledge  and  understanding.  I  was  ill  at  ease  with

            anything electrical.

            At the same time, and  you might not believe this, they
            grabbed Dave F (my HEL V&H initial boss and buddy)
            made him director of this motley group of engineers with
            me as his sidekick yet again and told us to build a new

            organization  in  our  company  called  Low  Observables
            Technology (LOT).  Again, I’ll not be able to talk about

            the specifics.

            As our new group was being formed, a secure building

            within a building was being built to house test facilities,
            manufacturing capability for prototypes and test targets,
            people,  laboratories,  material  development,  separate

            SCIF’s for unique programs, and RADAR test ranges. It
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