Page 213 - MY STORY
P. 213

accomplished this feat, and in all honesty, I do not think

               they wanted to know.  By the way, if recall correctly I’m
               guessing that we spent less than  $200,000 to build this
               capability. It was in use virtually 100% of available time.

               Years  earlier,  General  Dynamics  Company  (GDC)  had

               bid  and  won  the  Advanced  Cruise  Missile  (ACM)
               program.  This missile was developed in secret, but once
               in  production,  the  outboard  appearance  was  publicly

               available.  This  was  a  pretty  complicated  machine  to
               produce, and GDC was having real problems meeting the

               quality  standards  for  the  delivered  missile.  The  DoD
               forced the USAF to develop a competitive second-source
               to build this weapon. MDMSC elected to bid.

               Our  LOT  group  spent  a  lot  of  effort  reviewing  GDC
               drawings, specifications, and manufacturing methods so

               we  could  “reverse  engineer”  the  design  and  figure  out
               efficient manufacturing methods that we had developed
               in  order  to  be  price  competitive  while  convincing  the

               ACM program office that we knew what the hell we were
               talking about.  I briefed “production readiness” issues to
               the ACM program office as part of the proposal process

               and correctly identified the “hard stuff to do” along with
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