Page 18 - MovingForward_Agora PD Conference DRAFT.pages
P. 18

Understanding our LGBTQ Community
                                       Presented By:  Heather Silberman, Josh Dorfuzaun
                                                  Target Audience:  All Staff

                  This year, the subject of our differentiated supervision project was working with students in our LGBTQ
                      community. Our students helped us to create a presentation that helps our community better
                   understand each other, and some of the daily issues that arise.  Understanding how to communicate
                               better with our LGBTQ community. Understanding why pronouns matter.

                          category:  student  and parent engagement    time:  8:00 / 9:00     room:    108

                    Understanding the Fixed Mindset / Victim Mentality and Strategies for How to
                                                       Counteract It
                                            Presented By:  Lew Kroner, John Thomas
                                                  Target Audience:  All Staff

                   The greatest strategy when encountering a victim mentality is to be sure to identify the fixed mindset
                  nature of it early in the interaction, avoid enabling it, and empowering them with a growth mindset. This
                  means that we need to be very careful how much empathy we include into the interaction.  Join us as
                  we look at how to empower parents and students by assisting them in learning how to use the school
                                         systems and take ownership over their education.

                           category:  growth mindset / grit      time:  10:00 / 11:00   room:  105

                    Weekly Schedules:  Providing Consistency for Students with a Weekly Course
                                 Presented By:  Jessica Whitmoyer, Jennine Thomas, Alison Force
                                          Target Audience:  High School, Middle School

                     Do your students struggle to remember what is due in your course? Is it difficult to find time for
                   reteaching and remediation each week? To help with these issues, the US History team moved to a
                    weekly format. We stopped using the K12 created units with the course and instead had students
                 follow a weekly schedule. They had similar assignments each week and Fridays were reserved as work
                  days. Students knew what to expect each week and planning was easier. Our session will explain our
                        process of adapting the course for a weekly schedule and the benefits of this schedule.

                           category:  instructional strategies / planning   time:  10:00 / 11:00   room:  218

               Agora Cyber Charter School                                                                !18
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