Page 15 - THE PEARL Summer 2017 Precious Pearls
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Soror Geralyn Seals
Soror Geralyn Seals was born and raised in Winona, MS. She attended
Jackson State University, where she majored in Mathematics. Upon
graduation, she and her husband moved to Memphis, TN, where she
continued her teaching career and pursued a graduate degree from the
University of Mississippi. On January 25, 1997, she was initiated into
Beta Epsilon Omega Chapter. During her tenure with BEO, she served on
various committees. She has been married to her high school sweetheart
for 33 years. Soror Geralyn enjoys traveling, reading, and researching.
Currently, she is a Federal Programs Advisor with the Shelby County
School District.
Soror Ada Shotwell
Soror Ada Shotwell is a Golden Soror and Life Member of Alpha Kappa
Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®. As a retired educator, she has spent
her professional life in many different positions including: Director of
Administrative Affairs, Director, Academic Development; Assistant to
the President; Affirmative Action Coordinator; Title IX Coordinator,
Dean of Arts and Sciences at State Technical Institute at Memphis. She
also served as the Academic Dean of Liberal Studies and Education at
Southwest Tennessee Community College. Soror Ada holds degrees in
English (Southern University); M.Ed. in Guidance and Personnel
Services (University of Memphis); and a Ph.D. in Higher Education
(University of Mississippi). Soror Ada was initiated into the Alpha Rho
Chapter in Spring 1959. She was also a member of Beta Epsilon Omega
and Pi Zeta Omega Graduate chapters.