Page 133 - NUMINO Challenge_K1
P. 133

2. Indirect Comparison

Unit Overview

In our daily lives we come across objects having length, area, capacity, and
weight. To understand these concepts effectively, categorization, comparison,
and measurement --preliminary unit lengths such as hand lengths or steps and
standardized units such as cm and g-- must be learned. In this unit, we
practice comparing length, area, capacity, and weight. Guide students to use
indirect comparison when direct comparison is not possible.

p.14 2. Indirect Comparison p.15

Compare Lengths Compare Capacities
Count the rocks to compare the length of the objects. If the water from containers A and B is poured into the cups of
the same size, the container that holds more water can be found.
3 rocks 4 rocks
The color pencil is longer than the glue stick.
Container A holds more water than container B.
Compare Areas Compare Weights
Count the number of to compare the areas. The weight of coke can and sprite bottle can be compared by
finding the number of yogurt bottles that is needed to equal
The area of the chocolate the weight of each beverage.
on the left is larger.

9 pieces 6 pieces

EExxeerrcciissee Which area is larger?

The sprite bottle is heavier than the coke can.
EExxeerrcciissee Circle the heavier one between the dog and the cat.



14 NUMINO Challenge K1 15Measurement

When comparing the length and width of When height cannot be used to measure
a front door fixed in a location, use a stick the capacity of the containers, use other
for indirect comparison. containers for indirect comparison.

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