Page 134 - NUMINO Challenge_K1
P. 134
p.16 Indirect Comparison of Lengths and Areas Problem solving p.17

Type Study MikeWho has the largest yard? 1 Circle the figure with the smallest shape.



Compare by counting
the number of .

2 Write the objects (toothbrush, watch, pencil, paint) in order

from the longest to the shortest.

Indirect Comparison Tip
Count the number of
When students generally compare the properties of objects (length, area, etc.), they either compare by looking, squares.
placing objects side by side, or by using their intuition. Indirect comparison can be used when direct
comparison is not possible or when the comparison is not clear. If there is a slight or no difference in the Watch --Toothbrush --Pencil --Paint
comparison, other objects or standards are used as measurements. 17Measurement

16 NUMINO Challenge K1 It is not easy to compare intuitively, so
grids can be used to compare indirectly.
Each small square can be erased one at a
time to compare the size of Mike’s, Sue’s,
and Jack’s yards.

p.18 Indirect Comparison of Capacities and Weights Problem solving p.19

Type Study Write the objects (shoe, baseball, carrot) in order from the 1 Which fruit is the heaviest among the apple, pear, and orange?
heaviest to the lightest.

Pear Tip

Count the number of
strawberries to

Shoe -- Carrot -- Baseball

2 The liquid from each container was poured into the same

cups. Write the letters of the containers that contain the

most to the least amount of liquid.



Comparison and Measurement

The concept of comparison is the foundation of measurement. This introduction and practice of comparison is
necessary to develop students knowledge of measurement using standard units such as g(grams) and m(meters).

Intuitive Direct Indirect Measurement Standard A --C --B Tip
comparison comparison comparison using length of units of Count the number of
palms, arms, etc. measurement cups.
g(grams), m(meters)
Development of the study of measurement

18 NUMINO Challenge K1

When comparing 3 different objects, measure each object with a fourth object that caacntsaacst
assatasntdaanrdda, radn,dancdoucnotutnhtethneumnubmerboefr eoafcehacohbjoebctjercetqtuoirceodmtopacroeminpdairecintldy.irectly.

5Answer Key
   129   130   131   132   133   134   135   136   137   138   139