Page 137 - NUMINO Challenge_K1
P. 137

4. Distance and Speed

Unit Overview

In this unit, students will use distance and the size of the pictures to determine
near/far and understand the relation between distance and time for finding
what is faster or slower.
Whether something is far or near depends on the starting point. Students
must learn how to compare the distance between themselves and other
objects or people.

4. Distance and Speed

p.26 p.27

Close and Far Fast and Slow
Start from the same point and compare the distances to find When starting at the same line and at the same time, the
out which is ‘close’ and ‘far’. animal that has traveled the farthest moves the fastest.




Objects look larger up close, and objects look smaller from The fastest animal is the dog, then the rabbit, and then
far. the hamster.

far EExxeerrcciissee The animals began at the flag and moved in different
directions. Write the animal that moves the fastest and the
The monkey is closer animal that moves the slowest.
than the pig.


EExxeerrcciissee Write the name of the person who is the closest and the Start
Fastest animal
Closest person Slowest animal Duck
Jack Sue
Mike Farthest person
26 NUMINO Challenge K1
Introduce a game, where students find toys
or objects that are close to ~ or far away When comparing speed, observe what is
from ~ to practice comparing distance. constant and what needs to be compared.

8 NUMINO Challenge K1
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