Page 5 - mini sleep school booklet
P. 5

Sleep Training Methodologies

               Sleep training means to give your baby/toddler/child the opportunity for a baby/toddler/child to fall asleep and fall
               back to sleep unassisted (self-settling). It means to give the opportunity to learn 10/10 sleep skills. Each parent
               comes to the table with a different comfort level. Together we will decide which methodology fits your comfort
               level, child’s temperament and situation. Sleep training does not begin until ALL sleep foundations are in the best
               place possible – sleep science, sleep environment, sleep attire etc. Sleep training goes all the way until 6-7:30am.
               Any waking before 6am is treated the same as the middle of the night – sleep training.

                       1.  Extinction – ‘CIO’ - Marc Weissbluth. Author of Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child.
                       Place your baby/toddler in crib FULLY awake. You are not entertaining morning until desired morning
                       wake rule.

                       2.  Graduated extinction. ‘Ferber’ – Richard Ferber. Author of Solving your Child’s Problems.
                       Place your baby/toddler in crib FULLY awake. You will be doing timed methodical ‘checks’ at the door with
                       the hallway light off. You will peak your head in the door & say your script: “shhh, night night – mommy &
                       daddy love you” – door closed. The first night’s checks start at 5 minutes, then 10, then 15, then every 15
                       minutes until your baby/toddler is asleep. The next time your baby wakes, start at the smallest number
                       again. If you choose this methodology, see email attachment for specific details.

                       3.  Timed checks. ‘Sleep wave’ - Heather Turgeon and Julie Wright. Authors of The Happy Sleeper.
                          Place your baby/toddler in crib FULLY awake.  You will be doing timed methodical ‘checks’ at the
                          door with the hallway light off. You will peak your head in the door & say your script: “shhh night
                          night” – door closed. Checks are every 5 minutes. You can skip checks if quiet or settling.

                       4.  Gradual withdrawal. ‘Sleep lady shuffle’ – Kim West. Author of Good Night, Sleep Tight.
                          Place your baby/toddler/child in their crib/bed FULLY awake. You will be camping out on a chair or
                          the floor beside the crib/bed. The first 3 nights are beside the crib/bed. The second 3 nights are
                          inside the room close to the door. The next 3 nights are in the hallway. You are gradually phasing
                          out your presence while your baby/toddler/child gains self-settling skills & confidence. If you
                          choose this methodology, see email attachment for specific details.
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