Page 19 - Cooking for Healing
P. 19

Anti Inflammatory

        Ginger and Turmeric

                                             Carrot Soup

        Soups are perfect. They are pure, home                 mayhem. It helps to relieve heartburn, gas, and
        cooked bliss. On a cold winter night, soup             bloating. So, let’s get into this miracle soup!
        hits the soul. Even on a warm summer night,
        soup still brings on a level of comfort. If you        Ingredients:

        add the right ingredients, soup can also help
        to heal your gut and help with any digestive           1 TBS olive oul
        issues. As someone who deals with digestive            1 leek, sliced and rinsed
        issues on a dauly basis, I find solace in soups.       1 cup chopped fennel
        Since they are already cooked, the ingredient          3 cups chopped carrots
        are gentler on the digestive system. In the            1 cup chopped butternut squash
        instance of this particular soup, it is pureed,        2 cloved of garlic, minced
        which is even easier on the system since it is         1 TBS grated ginger
        already “chewed”.                                      salt and pepper to taste

                                                               3 cups low sodium vegetable broth
        Inflammation is a problem that affects more            1 can lite coconut milk
        people that we think – the side effects being
        bloading, gas, upset stomach, and acid reflux.         Instructions:
        This can leave you feeling sick and generally
        just unwell. We can fix this with a simple, tasty,  1. Heat olive oil in a dutch oven or saucepan.
        inflammation healing soup!                             Add the fennel, leeks, carrots and squash.
                                                               Sautee for 3-5 minutes until the veggies start to
        Everyone knows to reach for ginger when the            soften. Then, add the garlic, ginger, turmeric,
        tummy starts to turn – ginger ale is a very            salt and pepper. Sautee for a few more minutes.
        popular stomach clamer. Ginger is almost a             2. Add the broth and coconut milk. Bring it to

        miracle working, helping digestive systems             a boil, cover and simmer for twenty minutes.
        run smoothly and helping with nausea and               Once the soup is cooked, blend it with a
        diarrhea. Turmeric is another well knows               blender or immersion blender. Taste and add
        fighter against inflammation and stomach               seasonings if needed. Enjoy!
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