Page 15 - Products Profile
P. 15
Soy Beans Flour
The present microbiological and compositional analysis, represents the result of laboratory
analysis, required by the International Trade Regulations.
It is expressed as the Technical Specification Sheet of the Product.
Appearance: fine powder
Color: Cream
Smell: Neutral
Taste: Neutral
Protein: 46.00%
Fiber: 5%
Ashes: 7.50%
Humidity: 10.00%
Source: NTP 205.011: 2018
Calories: 339.96 Kcal / 100g
Carbohydrates: 39.92%
Fat: 2%
Total count of mesophiles 200,000 CFU / g
NMP of total coliforms 150 / gr
NMP of fecal coliforms -3 / gr
Mushroom and yeast count 3000 CFU / g
Bacillus cereus 1000 CFU / gr
Salmonella Absent
Type: Flour / NON GMO
Source: NTP 264.016: 2018
Produced with the best Quality of Soy, our product be come from NON GMO Soy Beans
APL Commodities, sow, harvest and process under rigorous standards and quality controls.
We have sowing and Processing in different countries, whatever the denomination of
origin always prevail our product quality.
Production Areas: Thailand
Desing by APL Commodities ©