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P. 13


                                     Business Travel Policy and Procedure
                                                Applicable from January 1 , 2017

         1. POLICY
               It is the policy of the IPSOS MENA and its affiliated companies (hereafter: The Company) to pay for all business
               travel expenses incurred by employees in fulfilling the requirement of their positions and to define employees’
               responsibilities in controlling and reporting business travel-related expenses

         2. SCOPE
               This policy and procedure applies to all departments and employees of the Company. All employees must respect
               the terms of the present document. Ipsos MENA will not reimburse expenses not complying with the terms of
               this Business Travel Policy and Procedure

               Group 1: MENA CEO, Regional Heads of WSBL, MENA CHRO, MENA CFO and Country Managers
               Group 2: All RMF employees not belonging to Group 1
               Group 3: All employees belonging neither to Group 1 nor to Group 2

                3.1 Payment              Group 1                  Group 2                    Group 3

            Plane ticket            Company pays                           Company pays
            Hotel inside MENA       Employee pays                     Receiving subsidiary pays
            Hotel outside MENA      Employee pays       Company or Employee pays, with cash advance if requested
            Other expenses          Employee pays            Employee pays, with cash advance if requested

                3.2 Approval Matrix       Country         Finance Budget      Department       CEO MENA
                                      Head/Manager         Confirmation     Head Approval        Approval
             Employee                        X                  X                  X
             Department Head                 X                  X
             Regional   Management                              X                                   X
             and           Country
             Heads/Managers     (=
             Group 1)
             MENA CEO                                           X

                      ❖  Employee:  needs  the  Country  Manager  approval,  the  Finance  Budget  confirmation  and  the
                          Department Head approval

                      ❖  Department’s Head: needs the Country Manager approval and the Finance Budget confirmation

                      ❖  Country Manager: needs the CEO MENA approval and the Finance Budget confirmation

                      ❖  Regional Management: needs the CEO MENA approval and Finance Budget Confirmation

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