Page 5 - Edwards Cleaning Covid 19 Risk Assessment for Staff_Neat
P. 5
Safe to Return
Most people by now will know what to look out for with Covid19. Please
remember, if you live with someone with symptoms, have symptoms
yourself or you’re shielding, please do not go to work. The Governments
when to ‘Stay at Home’ guidance is clear and can be read here,
Going to work, with symptoms will put others at risk and staying home
and social distancing is the best way we can all beat this virus. Of
course, washing hands regularly with soap and water will reduce the
risk but if you’re showing symptoms or living with someone who is,
you may carry the virus and spread it unknowingly.
If in doubt, please call 111 and ask for advice.
Also, it is so important that you keep us informed of the situation so
we can provide cover or assistance to the client and keep them
The office numbers are,
0191 3000814 (North East)
0113 8870315 (Yorkshire)
If you have symptoms, you are now eligible for a test. To apply for a
test, please follow these guidelines,