Page 7 - Edwards Cleaning Covid 19 Risk Assessment for Staff_Neat
P. 7

At Work

               On entering and on leaving the building, please wash your hands.

               Some businesses have introduced policies for their place of work and
               you may see things like, one-way systems, desks moved further apart
               than you remember or things like one person at a time allowed in a lift,

               kitchen or toilet area. What is happening is social distancing, keeping
               at least 2 metres away from anyone else to ensure your safety and
               theirs. More information about social distancing can be found at,



               For us older member of society, 2 metres is about 6 feet in old money!

               Many businesses will have installed hand sanitiser dispensers to be
               used on entering and leaving the building or even entering and
               leaving another office or designated area. Please ensure you follow
               these instructions. More advice can be found here,


               If you are working around people, please ask them if it’s ok to clean in

               their area, this includes anytime you may have to move within 2
               metres, like emptying a bin. People will understand or simply ask you
               to leave that area. This is absolutely fine, please remember though to
               mark it on the schedule or in a communication book if you have one
               so the customers are aware.

               Apart from socially distancing yourself, it is important to wash your
               hands at every opportunity with soap and water. Alternatively, use a
               hand sanitiser where provided.

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