Page 7 - Pay'n Save Retirement Truat fund
P. 7
Where do I find This SPD uses a variety of terms specific to the
a list of defined Plan, many of which are defined in “Definitions”
terms? on page 52. These definitions are capitalized when
used in this booklet. If a used term is not captured
in the “Definitions” section, you may contact the
Administrative Office with your question or to request
a copy of the full Plan document, which defines all
terms used in the administration of the Plan.
Does my No. Benefits paid under this Plan are in addition to
pension benefit benefits you receive from Social Security.
under this
Plan affect my
Social Security
Can I receive Yes. Copies of the following documents are available
a copy of for inspection at the Administrative Office during
documents regular business hours. Copies are also available
describing this upon written request – see the Administrative Office’s
contact information on page 54. The Administrative
Office may charge a reasonable amount for copying
these documents.
You may request in writing to review a number of
documents regarding the Pension Trust, including:
 The Plan document and Trust agreement (including
amendments) adopted by the Trustees.
 Collective bargaining agreements and/or
participation or special agreements that apply to
 Annual reports filed with various government
agencies that have been in the Trust’s possession
for less than six years.