Page 10 - Pay'n Save Retirement Truat fund
P. 10



               You must earn credited service to qualify for a benefit under the
               Plan. Credited service is granted for the hours you work for a
               contributing employer in work for which employer contributions
               are required subject to a collective bargaining agreement or
               other agreement with the Trust. Credited Service may also be
               counted for hours worked before your employer was required to
               contribute to the Sound Plan.

               Your total credited service is comprised of your credited future
               service and credited past service. It is used to determine your
               benefit eligibility and whether you are vested in the benefits you
               have accrued. Credited past service is also used to determine the
               amount of any past service benefit you may have earned.


               Earning credited future service depends on when your service
               was earned.

               Â   Before October 1, 1977, you earned 1 year of credited future
                   service for each Plan Year you worked 375 or more hours
                   in Covered Employment between the date a contributing
                   employer first made contributions to this Plan for your work in
                   Covered Employment and September 30, 1977.
               Â   On and after October 1, 1977 and before October 1, 2016,
                   you earn 1 year of credited future service for each Plan Year
                   you work 500 or more hours in Covered Employment.

               Â   On and after October 1, 2016, you earn 1 year of credited
                   future service for each Plan Year you work 750 or more hours
                   in Covered Employment.

               In general, credited past service is service you earned while
               working for a contributing employer before that employer began
               contributing to the Plan. In other words, it is service you would
               have earned had you been eligible for Plan participation before
               your effective date of coverage. Your effective date of coverage
               is the date when employer contributions on your behalf first
               became effective.

               Â   If you are under age 65 on your effective date of coverage,
                   to receive credited past service you must have worked at least
                   500 hours in Covered Employment (375 hours if your effective
                   date of coverage was before October 1, 1977) in
                      y 1 of the 2 consecutive 12-month periods following your
                      effective date of coverage, or
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