Page 4 - Microsoft Word - 2010 Comprehensive User Guide SmartMail Final
P. 4
The ttop line on all pages providdes navigation between yoour key features, and is alwways visible. Below that, to the right
are aa number of fixed components:
Phone Nuumber Indicattor, which remminds you whhich phone nuumber you arre accessing.
Logouut button, which you can uuse when you have finishedd.
Refressh button, whhich updates the page withh recent phonne and messaage activity.
Help bbutton, whichh brings up the online help window.
The ddashboard prrovides a wayy to quickly acccess some off your key feaatures.
This sshows at a glance how maany new messsages you havve, and your ttotal numberr of messagess.
You ccan click on thhe link to go aand manage tthose messagges.
Misssed Calls
Showws your recennt missed callss.
If calls are from peeople in yourr contact list, their name iss displayed aloong with theiir phone typee. Click on a caller's name
to jump directly too their contacct list entry.
Proviides an easy wway to look uup a contact bby name and vview their deetails. For morre informatioon, see the heelp for the
contaacts page.
Call Manager Seettings
Showws you how yoour incomingg calls are hanndled. You cann change thiss by followingg the "Changee Settings" link through to
the CCall Manager tab.
Whidbey Telecomm | SmartMaail Call Managger User Guidde 3