Page 8 - Microsoft Word - 2010 Comprehensive User Guide SmartMail Final
P. 8
Vieww contact deetails or add new callerss to your conntact list
If a messaage has been left from a teelephone nummber that apppears in your contact list, tthen the namme of the
caller will be displayedd. To view youur contact listt entry for thee caller, click on their name.
Otherwisee you will justt see the calleer's telephonee number. In this case, you can create a contact list entry for thee
caller by cclicking on theeir number, aand selecting "Add to conttacts".
I have a warning indicator that says Flaash is Not Insstalled, and cllicking on thee or iccon does not bring up the
Voiceemail Player.
The VVoicemail Player uses a tecchnology called Flash fromm Adobe, whicch you do noot have installed. If you clicck on the
warning indiicator then it will give you a link to Adobe's website that will install Flash for yyou.
Notee: Adobe Flashh is currently not supporteed for Apple uusers.
Misssed Calls
This ttab lists your recent misseed calls. The foollowing actioons are availaable to you onn this tab.
To add ann unrecognizeed caller to yoour contact liist, click on thhe icon.
To go to aa contact's enntry in your contact list, cllick on their nname.
To go to tthe rule in Call Manager wwhich handledd a call, click on the Set off Rules name..
The ffollowing infoormation is displayed for eeach missed call.
Voicemaill icon. If the mmissed call resulted in a vooicemail, one of the followwing icons willl be displayedd.
o You have aan unheard vooicemail as a result of this call.
o You have aalready heardd the voicemaail resulting frrom this call.
o A voicemail was left, buut it is no longger in your inbbox.
Caller dettails. Each caller is identifieed in the folloowing ways.
o Name. The caller's name waas provided oor the numbeer of the caller matches an entry in your contact list.
o Phone type. Acccompanies tthe name wheen matched vvia your contaact list.
o Teelephone nummber. The number of the ccaller does noot match any entry in yourr contact list.
o UUnknown. Thee caller withheeld their identity, and so nno information about themm is available..
Set of Rules. The Set off Rules whichh handled the call.
Date and time of the call.
Whidbey Telecomm | SmartMaail Call Managger User Guidde 7