Page 8 - Microsoft Word - 2010 Comprehensive User Guide SmartMail Final
P. 8

Vieww contact deetails or add new callerss to your conntact list

              If a messaage has been left from a teelephone nummber that apppears in your contact list, tthen the namme of the
               caller will be displayedd. To view youur contact listt entry for thee caller, click on their name.

              Otherwisee you will justt see the calleer's telephonee number. In this case, you can create a contact list entry for thee
               caller by cclicking on theeir number, aand selecting "Add to conttacts".


        I have a       warning indicator that says Flaash is Not Insstalled, and cllicking on thee      or   iccon does not bring up the
        Voiceemail Player.

        The VVoicemail Player uses a tecchnology called Flash fromm Adobe, whicch you do noot have installed. If you clicck on the
              warning indiicator then it will give you a link to Adobe's website that will install Flash for yyou.

        Notee: Adobe Flashh is currently not supporteed for Apple uusers.

        Misssed Calls

        This ttab lists your recent misseed calls. The foollowing actioons are availaable to you onn this tab.

              To add ann unrecognizeed caller to yoour contact liist, click on thhe   icon.

              To go to aa contact's enntry in your contact list, cllick on their nname.

              To go to tthe rule in Call Manager wwhich handledd a call, click on the Set off Rules name..

        The ffollowing infoormation is displayed for eeach missed call.

              Voicemaill icon. If the mmissed call resulted in a vooicemail, one of the followwing icons willl be displayedd.

                   o      You have aan unheard vooicemail as a result of this call.
                   o      You have aalready heardd the voicemaail resulting frrom this call.
                   o      A voicemail was left, buut it is no longger in your inbbox.

              Caller dettails. Each caller is identifieed in the folloowing ways.

                   o  Name. The caller's name waas provided oor the numbeer of the caller matches an entry in your contact list.
                   o  Phone type. Acccompanies tthe name wheen matched vvia your contaact list.
                   o  Teelephone nummber. The number of the ccaller does noot match any entry in yourr contact list.
                   o  UUnknown. Thee caller withheeld their identity, and so nno information about themm is available..
              Set of Rules. The Set off Rules whichh handled the call.

              Date and time of the call.

                                                       Whidbey Telecomm | SmartMaail Call Managger User Guidde  7
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