Page 11 - Microsoft Word - 2010 Comprehensive User Guide SmartMail Final
P. 11
To exxport a list of your calls preess the Export button on any of the caall list tabs to bring up the Export Call Liists overlay.
11. Select thee call lists youu wish to expoort, and then press the Export button tto begin the eexport.
22. Once the export operaation has commpleted, you wwill have the oopportunity tto specify where you wish to save the
exported file to.
For ddialed calls onnly records off the last 10 caalls are availaable for exporrt. For missedd, received annd rejected caalls records of
the laast 60 days off calls (up to aa maximum oof 500 calls accross all typess) are availabble for export..
Voiccemail Playeer
The VVoicemail Player allows yoou to listen too your voicemmails using a si imilar interface to an MP33 player.
The ttop part of the player showws who left thhe voicemail, when they ddid so, and hoow long it lastts. An icon appears if the
caller marked the voicemail as urgent.
Beloww these a status message shows whethher the voicemmail is loadingg, playing or ppaused. The sslider that folllows shows
progress as the reecording playss, and allows you to drag tto a different part of the reecording.
A sett of round butttons providee the actual playing interfaace:
steps bback to play tthe previous vvoicemail.
plays tthe current vooicemail.
replaces the play buutton ‐ pausees the currenttly playing voicemail.
stops tthe currently playing voiceemail.
steps oon to play thee next voicemmail.
The rremaining conntrols for the player conceern the playbaack volume ‐ you can togggle between the unmuted and
muteed states bby clicking theese icons, andd adjust the slider to set a paarticular volumme level.
Finally, there is a sset of buttons:
Save alllows you to ddownload andd save the vooicemail to yoour computer
Whidbey Telecomm | SmartMaail Call Managger User Guidde 10