Page 7 - Microsoft Word - 2010 Comprehensive User Guide SmartMail Final
P. 7

  reecord an introoductory messsage ‐ when the recipientt listens to thee voicemail, tthey will hearr your
                       inntroductory mmessage first ffollowed by tthe message yyou are forwaarding
                     lissten to the orriginal messagge by clickingg on the "original voicemaiil" header to access the vooicemail
                       player controlss.

            44.  When youu are done, press the  Sendd  button to ssend the messsage.

        To foorward a voiceemail as an email:

            11.  Click the   icon corressponding to tthe message yyou wish to foorward, and sselect Forwarrd as Email too bring up thee
               Forward aas Email overlay.

            22.  Enter onee or more reciipients in the To field. If thhe recipient iss configured iin your contact list, then you can
               identify thhem by namee. Otherwise yyou must enter their compplete email adddress. You ccan specify multiple
               recipientss by separatinng them with semicolons.

            33.  The Forwaard as Email ooverlay also aallows you to optionally
                     sppecify additioonal recipients in the Cc or Bcc fields
                     addjust the subjject line of thhe email messsage
                     addd text to be included alonng with the voicemail attachment.

            44.  When youu are done, press the  Sendd  button to ssend the messsage.

        Notee: When forwaarding a messsage as an emmail, the Fromm address speecified will incclude your naame as displayyed on the
        settinngs page.

        Leavve someone a voicemaill

        This ffeature enables you to leaave voicemails for other ussers of this vooicemail systeem by recordiing and sendiing a messagee
        throuugh the Web UI rather thaan phoning them. You can also record aa single messaage in this waay to be left foor multiple
        userss rather than phoning themm each individually.

        To seend a voicemaail:

            11.  Press the  New Voicemmail  button, too bring up thee Voicemail CComposer oveerlay.

            22.  Enter onee or more reciipients in the To field. The recipients sppecified mustt be other useers on the samme voicemail
               system, or the attemptt to send the message willl fail. If a recippient is configgured in yourr contact list, then you cann
               identify thhem by namee, otherwise yyou must enteer their telephone number directly. You can specify multiple
               recipientss by separatinng them with semicolons.

            33.  Optionallyy flag the voiccemail as Urggent or Privatee.

            44.  Record yoour message.

            55.  Press the  Send  buttonn to send your message.

                                                       Whidbey Telecomm | SmartMaail Call Managger User Guidde  6
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