Page 5 - Microsoft Word - 2010 Comprehensive User Guide SmartMail Final
P. 5

Messages & Calls

        The ttop line on all pages providdes navigation between yoour key features, and is alwways visible. Below that, to the right
        are aa number of fixed components:

              Phone Nuumber Indicattor, which remminds you whhich phone nuumber you arre accessing.
                 Logouut button, which you can uuse when you have finishedd.
                 Refressh button, whhich updates the page withh recent phonne and messaage activity.

                Help bbutton, whichh brings up the online help window.

        The MMessages & CCalls page alloows you to manage and lissten to your vvoicemails, annd view details of your reccent missed,
        dialed, received and rejected  ccalls.


        This ttab lists all off the voicemaails in your inbbox. New messsages (thosee you have noot yet listenedd to) appear in bold type.

        For eeach messagee in your inbox, you can see who the caller was, the ttime of the caall, and the leength of the mmessage. If
        the ccall was from a telephone number that appears in yoour contact lisst or the calleer's name was provided, thhen the namee
        of the caller will bbe displayed. Otherwise yoou will just seee their telephhone numberr. You can alsoo see if the caaller marked
        the mmessage as  UUrgent or   Private.

        Your inbox may allso contain sppecial Systemm Messages, ssuch as deliveery failure nottifications.

        The ffollowing actions are available to you on this tab.

              Play a voicemail or savve a local copyy on your commputer
              Manage yyour voicemails by deletingg them, or maarking them aas either neww or heard
              Reply to oor forward a vvoicemail
              Leave a vooicemail for ssomeone
              View conttact details orr add new calllers to your ccontact list.

        Play or save a vooicemail

              To play a message, clicck on the    or      icon tto bring up thhe Voicemail Player.

              To save a copy of the mmessage on yyour computeer, right click on the      oor      icon, and select Savve Target As....
               or Save Liink As...

        Mannage your vooicemails

              To deletee one or moree messages, sselect the cheeckboxes nextt to the messages you wish to delete, aand then
               press the  Delete  buttoon at the botttom of the paanel. To quickkly select or ddeselect all messages, use the checkboxx
               at the topp of the list.

                                                       Whidbey Telecomm | SmartMaail Call Managger User Guidde  4
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