Page 10 - Microsoft Word - 2010 Comprehensive User Guide SmartMail Final
P. 10
Rejeected Calls
This ttab lists your recent rejectted calls. The following acttions are avaiilable to you oon this tab.
To add ann unrecognizeed caller to yoour contact liist, click on thhe icon.
To go to aa contact's enntry in your contact list, cllick on their nname.
To go to tthe rule in Call Manager wwhich handledd a call, click on the rule n name.
The ffollowing infoormation is displayed for eeach rejected call.
Caller dettails. Each caller is identifieed in the folloowing ways.
o Name. The caller's name waas provided oor the numbeer of the caller matches an entry in your contact list.
o Phone type. Acccompanies tthe name wheen matched vvia your contaact list.
o Teelephone nummber. The number of the ccaller does noot match any entry in yourr contact list.
o UUnknown. Thee caller withheeld their identity, and so nno information about themm is available..
Set of Rules. The set off rules which handled a call.
Date and time of the call.
Maillbox quota
You hhave restrictions on the tootal amount oof content thaat can be storred in your mailbox. If you reach this limmit, or are
closee to reaching this limit, youu will see a warning icon appear onn this page. Clicking on thiss warning icoon will tell youu
how much contennt you have, aand what your limits are.
If youu are close too reaching youur limit, then you may wish to delete soome of your vvoicemails too free up spacce. If you
reachh your limit and don't deleete any content, you will be unable to rreceive furtheer messages in your mailboox.
In adddition to voiccemail content you may bbe told that yoou also have ""other" conteent.
This otherr content includes voicemaails in your secondary grooup mailboxes. You may neeed to log in t to your
secondaryy mailboxes aand delete some of the conntent from thhem to free up space.
You may aalso have "other" content if you have aaccessed yourr mailbox usinng a remote eemail client (ssuch as
Microsoftt Outlook) oveer IMAP and aaccidentally mmoved, for exxample, emails into your mmailbox. Suchh content will
take up sppace in your mmailbox, but yyou will be unnable to acceess it through the Web UI ‐‐ you will need to use yourr
remote emmail client aggain to remove it.
Expoort Calls
This ffeature allowws you to expoort lists of youur missed, diaaled, receivedd and rejected calls as a teext file in CSVV format. Thiss
file can then be sttored locally, and accessedd using a rangge of other appplications suuch as text editors or spreaadsheets. If
you rrun a business, you might for example uuse the data in this file to help you tracck the calls yoou have madee and
receiived against individual customer accounnts.
Whidbey Telecomm | SmartMaail Call Managger User Guidde 9