Page 15 - Microsoft Word - 2010 Comprehensive User Guide SmartMail Final
P. 15

Finding a contacct list entry

        Theree are multiplee ways of findding an existinng contact list entry.

              Alphabetiically by namee. Scroll throuugh the namees in the conttact list colummn, and click oon the one yoou want to
               view the ddetails of.

              Searchingg by name. Too search by naame type the first few letters of any component of tthe name intoo the search
               box at thee top of the contact list column. Matchiing proceeds as you type, and the moree you type, thhe more
               constraineed the list of matches is. MMatching is peerformed agaainst contactss' first and lasst names, andd also against
               various otther text fieldds within the contact.

              Searchingg by number. To search forr a contact byy number typee the first feww digits of one of their teleephone
               numbers into the searcch box.

        Within the detailss view, the maatching search text will bee highlighted ffor quick recoognition.

        Addiing a new coontact entryy

        To addd a new contact to the lisst, click the  NNew Contact  bbutton beloww the contact list column. YYou can fill inn as many or
        as few of the detaails as you waant.

        Telepphone numbeers can be enttered in any fformat. Normmally, this shoould be the fuull 10 digit nummber.

        Oncee you have finnished enterinng the detailss for the new contact, clickk the  Save  buutton to submmit your changes. If you
        wish to discard the new entry, click  Cancel .

        Hint:: When you reeceive a call ffrom someone who is not already recoggnized as a coontact, the vaarious lists of calls display
        a    symbol alongside the calll. Using this wwill bring you straight to thhis New Contaact display, wwhere you cann easily fill in
        any aadditional infoormation aboout the contact, then presss  Save  to savve them to yoour contact lisst.

        Editiing a contacct entry

        To eddit an existingg contact, firsst find the conntact you wish to edit (seee above) and sselect it to make it appearr in the
        detaiils column.

        Now click the  Editt  button beloow the detailss column. Maake the necesssary updatess, and then cliick either the  Save  or
         Canccel  buttons too commit or ddiscard your cchanges.

        When editing a coontact, you caan also changge which grouups it is a memmber of.

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