Page 19 - Microsoft Word - 2010 Comprehensive User Guide SmartMail Final
P. 19

Calll Manageer

        The ttop line on all pages providdes navigation between yoour key features, and is alwways visible. Below that, to the right
        are aa number of fixed components:

              Phone Nuumber Indicattor, which remminds you whhich phone nuumber you arre accessing.
                 Logouut button, which you can uuse when you have finishedd.
                 Refressh button, whhich updates the page withh recent phonne and messaage activity.

                Help bbutton, whichh brings up the online help window.

        Call MManager allowws you to deffine how your incoming caalls are handleed.

        You ccan configuree Call Manageer to perform one of the foollowing actioons by selecting its correspponding radioo button.

              Ring yourr phone. This will not applyy any Rules too your incoming calls, and   effectively tuurns off Call MManager. All
               incoming calls will makke your phonee ring.

              Forward tto voicemail. This will diveert all incominng calls to voiicemail.

              Forward uunconditionaally. This will ddirect all your calls to anotther phone wwithout applying any rules..

              Apply onee of your Setss of Rules all the time. Thiis ignores youur Weekly Schhedule and anny Special Days.

              Apply diffferent Sets off Rules depennding on the day or time. TThis lets you choose whichh Set of Ruless you want to
               apply during the periodds defined in your Weeklyy Schedule, annd on Special  Days.

        Seleccting an action will activatee any drop‐doown menus aassociated witth that actionn. Use these ddrop‐down mmenus to tailor
        the bbehavior of Caall Manager bby selecting foorwarding opptions or a Sett of Rules to aapply as applicable.

        Clicking the link "RRules" will takke you to the Rules tab. Clicking any of your definedd schedule peeriods will takke you to the
        Weekly Schedule tab. Clicking "Special Dayss" will take yoou to the Speccial Days tab..

        Oncee you have maade any changes, click the  Apply  buttoon to save thee changes, or click the  Canncel  button to cancel any


        You ccan use Ruless to configuree Call Manageer to handle inncoming callss based on yoour preferencees.

        You ccan define diffferent rules ffor different ccallers, groupping these witthin Sets of RRules. When ccombined with your
        Weekly Schedule and Special DDays, these allow you to chhange which rules apply acccording to thhe day or timme.

        The ffirst time you select this taab, you are givven an explannation, and thhen will start with some tyypical Sets of Rules, which
        you ccan then edit to your needds.

        Your Sets of Ruless are listed in the left‐handd side pane. TTo add a new Set of Rules, click  Add new Set of Rulees. A new
        wind dow will open; enter a namme for this neww Set of Rules then click  OOK  to create,, or  Cancel  too bypass.

                                                       Whidbey Telecomm | SmartMaail Call Managger User Guidde  18
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