Page 23 - Microsoft Word - 2010 Comprehensive User Guide SmartMail Final
P. 23


        The ttop line on all pages providdes navigation between yoour key features, and is alwways visible. Below that, to the right
        are aa number of fixed components

              Phone Nuumber Indicattor, which remminds you whhich phone nuumber you arre accessing.
                 Logouut button, which you can uuse when you have finishedd.
                 Refressh button, whhich updates the page withh recent phonne and messaage activity.

                Help bbutton, whichh brings up the online help window.


        The ssecurity page allows you too perform thee following opperations.

              To changee your passwword, enter thhe new passwword, and thenn confirm it bby entering it again, into thhe boxes. For
               security, tthe text will bbe hidden as yyou type. Clicck  Change Password  to make the change.

              To changee your Call Seervices PIN, uupdate the current PIN field to your choosen value annd click  Changge  to make
               the changge.


        This ttab provides access to a number of setttings that youu are unlikelyy to need to change on a reegular basis.

        No chhanges that yyou make on tthis page will be applied uuntil you presss the  Apply  bbutton.

        Forwwarding Prefeerences

        When you are using your phonne, and enter the phone acccess code too turn on forwwarding servicces, you can eeither allow
        the sservice to use the preconfigured numbeer, or to require you to entter the phonee number youu want to forwward to.

        This sset of prefereences allows yyou to select which of youur subscribed to services wwill require enntry of the number each
        time,, and which wwill just use thhe preconfiguured number.

        Voiceemail Prefereences

        This aallows you too set the time in seconds thhat your phonne rings before the call is ssent to voicemail. The acceptable
        rangee is from zeroo to 60 seconds.

                       w when using yoour subscriberr line.
                       w when using a rremote telephhone line.

                                                       Whidbey Telecomm | SmartMaail Call Managger User Guidde  22
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