Page 25 - Microsoft Word - 2010 Comprehensive User Guide SmartMail Final
P. 25
You ccan enable orr disable live mmessage screeening using tthe checkbox,, then pressinng Save Settings .
MWII Notificationn
You ccan use this ppanel to speciify your otherr phones whoose message wwaiting indicaations shouldd be triggeredd when
messsages are receeived, and whhich types of messages cauuse the indicaation.
To add annother of your phones to the list, press New Entry . YYou are prommpted for a phhone numberr ‐ this shouldd
be the number of anotther phone yoou own under the same acccount as thiss one; you cannnot trigger indicators on
arbitrary oother phoness.
To changee the types off messages thhat trigger thee notification use the checckboxes.
To delete a phone fromm the list, preess the icon.
To clear the entire list use the Clear List button..
If the shows, thesee notifications are enabledd. Clicking this will switch bbetween the enabled and
disabled sstates.
You must press the Appply button foor any of youur changes to take effect.
To add annother email aaddress to the list, press NNew Entry . Yoou are promppted for an emmail address ‐ as you type
matching contacts fromm your contacts list will apppear.
To changee the types off messages thhat trigger thee email, use tthe checkboxees.
To delete an email adddress from thee list, press thhe icon.
To clear the entire list use the Clear List button..
If thee shows, these notificaations are enabled. Clickinng this will swwitch betweenn the enaabled and disabled
You mmust press thhe Apply button for any of your changees to take effect.
This page allows yyou to configuure which greeeting will be played to calllers who get forwarded too your voicemmail. You can
chooose to either uuse a standard system greeeting, or to reecord and usee a personal mmessage of yoour choice.
You aalso have the option of jusst using the saame greeting as your primmary group maailbox.
As well as definingg the default greeting thatt you wish calllers to hear, you can also
configure alternative ggreetings to bbe played outsside businesss hours or when the line is busy
Whidbey Telecomm | SmartMaail Call Managger User Guidde 24