Page 30 - Microsoft Word - 2010 Comprehensive User Guide SmartMail Final
P. 30


        The ttop line on all pages providdes navigation between yoour key features, and is alwways visible. Below that, to the right
        are aa number of fixed components

              Phone Nuumber Indicattor, which remminds you whhich phone nuumber you arre accessing.
                 Logouut button, which you can uuse when you have finishedd.
                 Refressh button, whhich updates the page withh recent phonne and messaage activity.

                Help bbutton, whichh brings up the online help window.

        The rreminders serrvice allows yyou to configuure your phonne to ring at aa specified timme (for example as a wakee‐up call).

              once at a time of your choice in thee next 24 hours

              every weeek at a time aand day of youur choice

              every dayy at a time of your choice

              every weeekday at a timme of your choice.

              Occurs. Thhis specifies wwhether you wwish the reminder to occuur just once (in the next 244 hours), or wwhether it will
               be repeatted on a regular basis.

              Time. Thiss specifies thee time of day that you wish your reminder call to bee scheduled foor.

              When youu configure a reminder, yoou can also record a messaage to be playyed when youu answer the call.

              As well ass configuring oone‐off reminnder calls, you can also schhedule reminnders to occurr at a time of your choice
               every dayy, or every weeekday.

        To scchedule a neww reminder caall

            11.  Press the  New Remindder  button, too bring up thee New Reminnder overlay.

            22.  Enter a deescription forr the remindeer ‐ this is just the name that will appear in the Web UI and can be anything
               you like.

            33.  In the phoone number tto notify droppdown, selectt which of youur phones you wish to receive the reminder on. Youu
               can only sschedule reminders on phoones that aree registered wwith your accoount.
            44.  In the occcurs dropdowwn, select wheether you wish this to be aa one‐off reminder, or a reeminder that recurs every
               day or eveery weekday.

            55.  Enter the time of day tthat you wantt the remindeer call, and if this is a one‐off reminder,, also enter thhe date. All
               times musst be enteredd relative to thhe timezone in which your r line is registtered.

            66.  Optionallyy record the mmessage thatt you want to be played whhen you answwer the reminnder call. If yoou don't
               record a mmessage you will still receiive a call at thhe specified time.

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