Page 6 - Microsoft Word - 2010 Comprehensive User Guide SmartMail Final
P. 6
Messagess are automattically markedd as listened tto when you play them. Too mark one oor more messsages you
have prevviously listened to as Neww (so that theyy appear in bold again), seelect the messages (as aboove) and press
Mark As NNew at the bbottom of the panel.
Similarly, to mark messsages as heard without lisstening to theem, select thee messages and press Mark As Heard
at the botttom of the panel.
Replly to or forwward a voicemail
If youu have received a voicemaail from anothher user on thhe same voiceemail system,, you can recoord and send a voicemail
as a rresponse.
You ccan also forwward voicemails (as long as they are not marked as private).
If you wish to forward a voicemail to another user (or users) oon the same voicemail sysstem, you cann forward the
message aas a voicemaiil.
Otherwisee, you can forrward the voicemail as an email to one or more emaail addresses (the voicemaail will be
attached tto the email aas a WAV file).
To reeply to a voiceemail:
11. Click the icon corressponding to tthe message yyou wish to reeply to, and sselect either RReply or Reply to All to
bring up tthe Voicemaill Reply overlaay. Note: if yoou attempt too reply to a message from someone who is not a
user on thhe same voiceemail system then when you try to send d the reply it will fail.
22. Record a response.
33. The Voiceemail Reply ovverlay also allows you to ooptionally
flag a responsee as urgent orr private
lissten to the orriginal messagge by clickingg on the "original voicemaiil" header to access the vooicemail
player controlss
addd other recipients to the To field, sepaarating them with semicollons.
44. When youu are done, press the Sendd button to ssend the messsage.
To foorward a voiceemail as a voicemail:
11. Click the icon corressponding to tthe message yyou wish to re eply to, and sselect Forwarrd as Voicemaail to bring upp
the Forwaard as Voicemmail overlay.
22. Enter onee or more reciipients in the To field. The recipients sppecified mustt be other useers on the samme voicemail
system, or the attemptt to send the message willl fail. If a recippient is configgured in yourr contact list, then you cann
identify thhem by namee, otherwise yyou must enteer their telephone number directly. You can specify multiple
recipientss by separatinng them with semicolons.
33. The Forwaard as Voicemmail overlay aalso allows you to optional lly
flag the voicemmail as urgentt or private
Whidbey Telecomm | SmartMaail Call Managger User Guidde 5