P. 288
(i) the combined reported profit of all operating segments that did not report a loss and
(ii) the combined reported loss of all operating segments that reported a loss, or
-its assets are 10% or more of the combined assets of all operating segments.
Unallocated Segments represents all other transactions than are outside the normal course of business and can
not be directly related to a specific segment financial information.
Thus, in essence, unallocated segments reconcile segment balances to group balances. Material items
comprising total assets and total liabilities of the unallocated segments have been outlined below;
Sales between segments are carried out at arm’s length. The revenue from external parties reported to the
executive committee is measured in a manner consistent with that in the income statement.
Material total assets and liabilities Group Group
December December
In thousands of Naira 2017 2016
Other Assets 82,753,431 63,255,054
Deferred tax (net) 740,402 1,264,813
Assets Held for Sale 9,479,967 140,727
Goodwill 681,007 681,007
93,654,807 65,341,601
Other liabilities 253,914,174 113,571,240
Debt Securities issued 302,106,706 316,544,502
Interest-bearing loans and borrowings 311,617,187 299,543,707
Deferred tax 8,764,262 3,699,050
Retirement Benefit Obligation 2,495,274 3,075,453
Total liabilities 878,897,603 736,433,952
Material revenue and expenses
Group Group
December December
2017 2016
Interest expense
Interest expense on debt securities issued (26,928,587) (18,369,256)
288 Access BAnk Plc
Annual Report & Accounts 2017