P. 291

381,320,783    381,320,783    247,286,635    (108,138,875)   (21,952,819)   90,339,456    (18,900,109)   71,439,347    1,854,662,174    3,418,523,963    65,341,601    3,483,865,564    2,089,197,286    2,292,937,032   736,433,952   3,029,370,984    454,494,580
                      Total          -                                   681,007

                         continuing   operations   381,320,783    381,320,783    247,286,635    (108,138,875)   (21,952,819)   90,339,456    (18,900,109)   71,439,347    1,854,662,174    681,007    3,418,523,963    65,341,601    3,483,865,564    2,089,197,286    2,292,937,032   736,433,952   3,029,370,984    454,494,580
                      Total          -

                      Unallocated  Segments   -      -      -      -      (18,369,256)   -      (18,369,256)   -      681,007    -      65,341,601    65,341,601    -      -      736,433,952   736,433,952   (671,092,351)

                      Personal  Banking   65,522,183    2,084    65,524,267    32,143,548    (9,740,581)   (891,219)   11,708,767    57,923,181    106,299,895    -      106,299,895    394,707,823    284,733,397    -      284,733,397    (178,433,503)

                      Business  Banking   29,336,906    1,063    29,337,969    22,723,799    (7,051,917)   (1,238,648)   424,158    66,283,947    121,643,467    -      121,643,467    243,016,286    254,397,381    -      254,397,381    (132,753,914)

                      Commercial       Banking   145,070,057    (2,251)   145,067,806    116,850,109    (38,394,292)   (10,448,863)   47,314,951    1,028,136,471    1,886,823,131    -      1,886,823,131    970,978,683    1,407,188,270    -      1,407,188,270    479,634,861

                      Corporate   & Investment  Banking   141,391,638    (897)   141,390,741    75,569,180    (34,582,829)   (9,374,089)   49,260,836    702,318,575    1,303,757,470    -      1,303,757,470    480,494,494    346,617,983    -      346,617,983   957,139,487

            31 December 2016  Operating segments (continued)  In thousands of Naira  Revenue: Derived from external customers Derived from other business segments  Total Revenue  Interest Income   Interest expenses  Impairment Losses  Profit/(Loss) on ordinary activities before taxation  Income tax expense  Profit after tax  Assets and liabilities: Loans and Advances to customers   Goodwill  Tangible segment assets Unallocated segment assets  Total assets  Deposits from c

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                                                                                            Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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