P. 292

7b     Geographical segments
                      The Group operates in three geographic regions, being:
                      •   Nigeria
                      •   Rest of Africa
                      •   Europe

                      31 December 2017                        Nigeria     Rest of      Europe        Total
                      In thousands of Naira                                Africa

               Derived from external customers            398,161,575    38,759,457    22,154,747   459,075,779
               Derived from other segments                         -            -            -           -
               Total Revenue                              398,161,575    38,759,457    22,154,747    459,075,779

               Interest Income                            274,670,641    28,223,362    16,960,399    319,854,402
               Impairment Losses                          (29,149,849)   (5,317,020)         -      (34,466,869)
               Interest expense                          (143,133,607)   (6,302,975)   (6,966,275)  (156,402,857)
               Net fee and commission income               45,785,985    5,819,745    4,991,587    56,597,317
               Operating Income                           255,027,968    32,456,482    15,188,472    302,672,922

               Profit before income tax                    67,043,501    3,993,736    9,035,244    80,072,480

               Assets and liabilities:
               Loans and Advances to customers and banks    1,872,711,740    95,388,270    96,001,693   2,064,101,703

               Non current assets

               Goodwill                                            -      681,007            -      681,007

               Total assets                              3,499,683,979   (67,809,612)   670,368,454   4,102,242,820

               Deposit from customers                    1,910,773,713    130,741,584    203,363,778   2,244,879,075
               Total liabilities                         3,030,192,882    (39,075,909)    595,678,438   3,586,795,411
               Net assets                                 469,491,097  (28,733,703)   74,690,016   515,447,409

                      31 December 2016                        Nigeria     Rest of      Europe        Total
                      In thousands of Naira                                Africa

               Derived from external customers            331,000,972     42,385,383     7,934,428    381,320,783
               Derived from other segments                         -            -            -           -
               Total Revenue                              331,000,972    42,385,383    7,934,428    381,320,783

               Interest Income                            210,794,456    10,563,845    25,928,334    247,286,635
               Impairment Losses                          (17,641,127)   (4,311,692)         -      (21,952,819)
               Interest expense                           (94,777,050)   (9,086,318)   (4,275,507)  (108,138,875)
               Net fee and commission income               45,992,484    5,372,046    3,499,274    54,863,803
               Operating Income                           236,223,922    33,299,065    3,658,921    273,181,908
                                                          236,223,922    33,299,065    3,658,921    273,181,908

               Profit before income tax                    80,579,576    5,257,275    4,502,605    90,339,456

               Assets and liabilities:
               Loans and Advances to customers           1,698,568,920    92,329,153    18,561,100   1,809,459,172

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              Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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