P. 293

Non current assets

               Goodwill                                             -      681,007           -      681,007

               Total assets                              3,094,960,515    163,680,065    225,224,984   3,483,865,563

               Deposit from customers                    1,813,042,872    204,070,854    72,083,559   2,089,197,286
               Total liabilities                         2,673,281,895    155,057,459    201,031,629   3,029,370,984
               Net assets                                  421,678,619    8,622,606    24,790,648    455,091,873

               No revenue from transaction with a single external customer or a group of connected economic entities or counterparty
               amounted to 10% or more of the group’s total revenue in year ended 31 December 2017 and for the year ended 31 De-
               cember 2016. Information on revenue from external customers for each product and service had not been disclosed as the
               information is not readily available to the chief operating decision maker and the cost to develop is considered excessive.

                8     Interest income

                                                              Group         Group         Bank        Bank
                In thousands of Naira                      December     December      December    December
                                                               2017          2016         2017        2016

               Interest income
               Cash and balances with banks                 3,478,085    1,929,092    2,385,767   1,328,371
               Loans and advances to banks                  2,322,596    1,587,816      112,345     149,624
               Loans and advances to customers            230,824,330  198,886,057  202,309,037  172,571,696
               Investment securities
               -Available for sale                         31,226,746   16,769,084   29,005,464  15,366,667
               -Held for trading                           25,493,287    7,896,097   25,493,287   7,876,048
               -Held to maturity                           26,509,358    20,218,489   15,364,741   13,502,050
                                                          319,854,402    247,286,634    274,670,641   210,794,456

               Interest expense
               Deposit from financial institutions         16,715,851     7,434,354   14,788,823   6,822,272
               Deposit from customers                      91,365,483    77,187,483   81,326,332   60,921,911
               Debt securities issued                      35,947,693    18,369,256   35,947,693   13,569,723
               Interest bearing borrowings and other borrowed funds   12,373,830   5,147,782   11,070,759   13,463,144
                                                          156,402,857   108,138,875    143,133,607    94,777,050
               Net interest income                        163,451,545    139,147,760    131,537,034   116,017,406

               Interest income for the year ended 31 December 2017 includes interest accrued on impaired financial assets of Group:
               N1.8Bn (31 December 2016: N2.24Bn) and Bank: N848Mn  (31 December 2016: N1.74Bn).

               The increase in interest income is attributable to the increase in value of loans and advances to customers and repricing.

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                                                                                            Annual Report & Accounts  2017
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