Page 46 - E-book Copa 2014 Inglês.indb
P. 46

barrou a entrada de 371 estrangeiros por problemas na documentação
                            ou porque estavam na lista de pessoas impedidas. Argentina (87), Esta-
                            dos Unidos (67), Nigéria (47) e China (41) foram os países com o maior
                            número desses casos.

                            Na frente privada, a FIFA contratou 20 mil stewards (seguranças), que fizeram
                            controle de acesso e vistoria do público nas arenas e Fan Fests. O objetivo foi
                            evitar tumultos, verificar a autenticidade dos ingressos e impedir a entrada
                            de objetos proibidos.

                            A atuação dos stewards foi integrada à das forças de segurança pública, que
                            contavam com efetivo de prontidão para respostas rápidas. Como exemplo, o
                            episódio em que quase uma centena de torcedores do Chile invadiu o perímetro
                            do Maracanã. Eles derrubaram a grade que isolava a área restrita e chegaram
                            ao Centro de Mídia do estádio. A PM foi acionada e deteve os estrangeiros.
                            Eles foram autuados pela Polícia Federal e tiveram 72 horas para deixar o país,
                            sem poder regressar durante o período do Mundial.

                            At airports and air bases, 767 actions for the arrival of heads of state and
                            official delegations were carried out. The average time spent at the airport
                            was of 30 minutes. The Federal Police stopped 371 foreign nationals from
                            coming into the country due to problems with their documents, or because

                42          they had been black listed. Argentina (87), United States (67), Nigeria (47)
                            and China (41) were the countries with the biggest number of these cases.

                            On the private front, FIFA hired 20,000 stewards (security guards), who
                            worked on access control and public inspection at the arenas and Fan Fests.
                            The goal was to avoid trouble, check whether tickets were fake and stop
                            banned objects from coming in.

                            Stewards acted in integration with public security forces, which had person-
                            nel ready to provide rapid responses. An example of this was the incident
                            when almost a hundred Chilean supporters broke into Maracanã’s fenced off
                            perimeter. They knocked down the fence that isolated the restricted area and
                            made it to the stadium’s media centre. The police were deployed and seized
                            the foreign nationals. They were charged by the Federal Police and given
                            72 hours to leave the country, without being able to return during the World

                                                                                                  Foto: Iano Andrade

                 C O P A 2014          /              W OR LD CUP 2014
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