Page 1 - NL NOV 2019.indd
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Over 100 Years of Continuous Service to the Timber & Wood Products Industry
Employer Costs for Employee Compensa on
Employer costs for employee compensa on averaged $36.61
WHAT’S INSIDE? per hour worked in June 2019, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Sta s cs
Thank You!!! 1 reported in September. Wages and salaries averaged $25.12
per hour worked and accounted for 68.6 percent of these costs,
Employer Costs for Employee Compensa on 1
while benefi t costs averaged $11.48 and accounted for the
From the President 2
remaining 31.4 percent.
Secretary of Labor Comments on Jobs Report 2
Quick Refresh: Family and Medical Leave Act 2
Personnel File Guidance 3
Ques ons About Over me Rules 3
EEOC - Handling Internal Discrimina on Complaints 4
Free Timesheet App from the DOL: Track Your Hours 5
TPM U Webinar Series 5
Fatal Facts 6
5-Minute Safety Talk: Hearing Conserva on 7
Featured Member: StanCra Boat Company 8
Frontline: Managing Employee Absenteeism 10
Counsel’s Corner: Workers’ Compensa on Outline 12
Legal Briefi ng: Occupa onal Safety 14
Highlights of employer benefi t costs for civilian workers
Cloud Storage, Thumb Drive or Disk Drive? 16
V Paid leave averaged $2.64 per hour worked or 7.2 percent
HealthY Mail: Simple Ways to Go Greener 17 of total compensa on. Average costs for paid leave
TPM Speaker Presenta on: “Focus on 2020” 18 components include $1.30 per hour for vaca on (3.5 percent
TPM Scholarship Program 20 of total compensa on), $0.78 for holiday (2.1 percent),
$0.41 for sick leave (1.1 percent), and $0.16 for personal
leave (0.4 percent).
V Supplemental pay averaged $1.03 per hour worked or
2.8 percent of total compensa on. Average costs for
supplemental pay components include $0.67 per hour for
nonproduc on bonuses (1.8 percent), $0.29 for over me
and premium (0.8 percent), and $0.07 for shi diff eren als
(0.2 percent).
V Insurance benefi ts averaged $3.19 per hour worked or 8.7
percent of total compensa on. Average costs for insurance
components include $0.05 per hour for life insurance (0.1
TPM would like to thank all the member percent), $3.04 for health insurance (8.3 percent), $0.06 for
companies that par cipated in the vendor short-term disability (0.2 percent), and $0.04 for long-term
survey. We work diligently to improve our disability (0.1 percent).
service off erings every day and we can’t do it V Re rement and savings averaged $1.94 per hour worked
without our members being ac vely involved. or 5.3 percent of total compensa on. Average costs for
Our next step is to begin to research our re rement and savings components include $1.20 per hour
fi ndings to off er a future discount program for for defi ned benefi t (3.3 percent) and $0.74 for defi ned
the TPM membership. Paul Jertson was the contribu on (2.0 percent).
winner of the $50.00 VISA gi card! V Legally required benefi ts averaged $2.68 per hour worked or
7.3 percent of total compensa on.
Timber Products Manufacturers Associa on
Human Resources V Safety V A orney Services V Employee Benefi ts V Educa on & Training