Page 100 - B8773-AEW-XX-XX-PP-A-0001_[P8]_Contractors Manual
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4.7.7 Air Filtration
       GREASE FILTERS:                                       The  Annex  C  of  the  DEFRA  Guide  outlines  risk
       •  Grease filtration will be provided within the      assessment for odour control for a commercial
          extract  canopy  by  washable  mesh  filters       kitchen, scoring against 4 key criteria (referred
          mounted  in  a  filter  housing  manufactured      to as Risk Assessment for Odour Table 1);
          from  the  same material as the  structure  of     •  Dispersion
          the  canopy.  Disposable  panel  type  filters     •  Proximity of receptors
          should not be used for grease extraction.          •  Size of kitchen
       •  The most economical filter is the mesh type        •  Cooking type (odour and grease loading)
          which comprises a number  of  layers of  a
          galvanised or stainless mesh material within       The  total  significance  score  is  then  measured
          a  stainless  or  aluminium  housing.  The  filter   against the relevant impact risk table (referred
          relies  on  the  dirty  air  particles  depositing   to  as  Risk  Assessment  for  Odour  Table  2)  to
          onto the non-corrodable mesh. This type of         determine the level of odour control required.
          filter is suitable for use in Domino’s where the
          cooking is only of the dry bake-off type with      In most instances for Domino’s, where the
          no  free  oil  or  grease  involved.  Mesh  filters   extract duct terminates vertically at high level
          that  are  thinner  than  50mm  are  unlikely  to   but there are sensitive receptors within 20m of
          be effective.                                      the  kitchen  discharge,  a  HIGH  level  of  odour
       •  The  performance  of  the  filter  varies  with    control is required. High level odour control will
          use and temperature and may need to be             usually include fine filtration or ESP (Electrostatic
          cleaned twice weekly to avoid a build up of        precipitators)  followed  by  carbon  filtration
          debris which increases the resistance to air       (carbon  filters  rated  with  a  0.2  -  0.4  second
          flow. When clean, these filters have the least     residence  time),  which  may  be  achieved
          resistance to air flow (typically 40 pascals.)     through  the  combined  installation  of  pleated
       •  There  is  no  barrier  to  flame  within  the     panel filters, then bag filters, followed by carbon
          filter,  and  it  is  accepted  that  mesh  filters   filters. The exact specification of equipment to
          cannot  therefore  be used on their own in         achieve the level of odour control  required
          applications where there is appreciable risk       must be confirmed with a commercial kitchen
          of  fire.  However  this  does  not  apply  in  the   filtration specialist, such as Purified Air.
          Domino’s operation which only uses hot air
          for baking, with no oil or grease being used.      The  Annex  B  of  the  DEFRA  Guide  lays  out  the
                                                             information  required  to  support  the  planning
       OVEN EXTRACT FILTRATION:                              application for a commercial kitchen, and will
       On all projects, a risk assessment of the proposed    be completed by the project Architect. When
       oven extraction system should be carried out by       approved  in  writing  by  the  Local  Planning
       the  project  Architect  in  accordance  with  the    Authority, the odour control equipment specified
       Defra Guide 2005 to ascertain the level of odour      as a result of completion of the Annex B / Annex
       control  required  (low  to  medium,  high  or  very   C documents and liaison with the commercial
       high). This will vary on a site by site basis.        kitchen  filtration  specialist  MUST  be  installed  in
                                                             accordance with the submitted drawings and
                                                             supporting information.
       4.7.7                       Air Filtration                                        3 September 2018
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